Field of Propositions

Start from the beginning

She had never felt so exposed.

As the three inhumanly beautiful pairs of eyes studied her, she wrapped her arms around her middle to try to ease the anxiety rushing through her.

Predator and prey.

Dr. Romano's office was quite spacious, but it felt miniscule in that moment.

"We have a proposition for you, Enid." Dr. Romano brushed against her as he walked around her and leaned against his desk.

Her name rolled sensually off his tongue.

They now all stood before her, like a united front.

"Sit down." Dr. Easton's command came from his stance by the window.

He had tossed his suit jacket onto the couch and rolled up his shirt sleeves, exposing his muscular and veined arms.

His expensive watch flashed from the evening light streaming in through the window.

She obeyed immediately, electing to sit in the chair furthest from the three.

For a moment it was silent, and her thoughts raced.

What was this about?

For three of her professors to be here it must be important.

She glanced up and her eyes met Dr. Drewitt's amber gaze.

Her throat tightened.

This must be about her performance.

Maybe Dr. Drewitt had told the school that he couldn't teach her.

Maybe they were revoking her scholarship.

She didn't need it, but she was putting the unused college tuition into an account for Fiona.

Her hands trembled.

Maybe they were revoking her acceptance.

"Little bird, it's nothing bad." Dr. Romano's teasing lilt dragged her from her spiraling thoughts.

"W-what sort of proposition?" She stumbled slightly over her words.

"Well, first I think there's something someone would like to clear up." Dr. Romano said, turning his attention to Dr. Drewitt.

Enid's hands began to shake more as Dr. Drewitt stood from his seat at the desk chair.

He rounded the desk and Enid watched as his expensive black shoes met toe to toe with her small scuffed white sneakers.

A hand beneath her chin drew her vision to the face towering over her.

"I'm so sorry, Enid." His golden curls fell messily over his alabaster forehead.

She felt the twinge of devastation in her chest.

"We had a misunderstanding yesterday. A terrible misunderstanding. Your performance was the most incredible thing I have ever experienced. I was so overwhelmed by the experience that my words came out wrong and it hurt you. I meant to say that I don't know how I'm going to teach you to be better, because you're already the best I have ever heard. You were... otherworldly." He squatted down so that they were eye to eye.

His large hand dropped from her chin to her thigh.

"I will never be able to apologize enough for making you cry." His words were soft, nearly a whisper.

His eyes genuine and concerned.

Enid's mind raced.

A misunderstanding?

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