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Nikolai POV



Opening my eyes I looked around. What is that noise? I want to sleeeeeeeeeep.

I whined.


What is that noise?

Climbing out my covers I crawl to my slide. My papà got it for me and I love it!

I laid on my stomach and went all the way to the bottom, fastest way.

I laid on my stomach and went all the way to the bottom, fastest way

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A/N: This is Nikolai's bed.

I walk to my door and peak my head out.

Hmm... I don't see papà.

I open my door very quietly and crawl out my room.

I have to make sure papà doesn't hear me or I'm in big trouble.

I crawl all the way to my papà room which is way way down the hallway. Pushing the door open I stop and wait for the noise.

 Pushing the door open I stop and wait for the noise

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Ahh there is the noise!

I crawl to the dresser and saw a phone ringing. Picking it up I noticed a picture of me and mama on it flashing. So I pressed the green button.

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