Chapter Four

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Louis follows Shawn and Niall into the cafeteria for their lunch break. And once again he feels all the eyes on him. His tail wrappes around his left leg, just to calm his mind that no one will pull on it.

He looks around and notices something strange. "Hey, guys?" he asks as the two hybrids make their way to a table fairly in the middle of the big room. "Why is there this big devide between the werewolves?" he asks quietly as Shawn plopps down on an empty table for six, Niall next to him.

So Louis sits down across from them, still feeling all the eyes on him.

Niall looks surprised at him. "Shawn didn't tell you?" he asks confused. Louis frowns and shakes his head no, eyes going to Shawn.

"Yea, no. I kinda forgot." he says sheepishly, scratching the back of his head.

"So..." Louis pulls out the o, telling the boys to go on.

"There are two packs bordering at this town. They are in constant fights about who's pack is more powerful. Especially as both future Alphas go to this school. But the city in it self is neutral ground." Shawn explains. "But you see members of both packs argue a lot here." He looks around before pointing to a guy with dark brown hair styled into a quiff he laughs at something another wolf said to him. "That's Nicolas Grimshaw, future leader of the Grimshaw pack. Everyone calls him Nick though." he explains.

Then Niall catches Louis' attention. He points to the door they just entered through. Two werewolves just walked in and make their way to a table on the other side of the Grimshaw pack. Louis' eyes are wide as he recognises the alpha from last night and the one he saw arriving with the motorcycle today.

"That's Harry Styles. Future leader of the Styles pack." Niall explains. "Both packs are not the best to be around as a hybrid, but if it came to death or life - I'd choose the Grimshaw pack."

"Just because Harry stole your fries once, Nialler." someone says as he sits down next to Louis.

The cat hybrid looks at the person - he's a wolf hybrid, but not the one from his fist class. The guy turns to him with sparkling brown eyes. He looks kind with his eyes and his black hair styled up.

"I'm Zayn, Zayn Malik." he introduces himself with a smile. "You are everything the school is talking about, mate. The cat hybrid."

Louis pales at that. Is he really the talk of the school? Well, it probably was to be expected with him being a rare kind of hybrid.

"Don't worry, mate." Zayn says, noticing the stress in Louis' eyes. "If any of those wolves give you shit, the hybrids in this school stand up for each other." He looks at Niall and Shawn with a smile, other hybrids sit around them on the tables between the both packs.

Louis gives him a smile as a thank him. "I'm Louis, by the way." Then he turns to Shawn. "So what pack is the one behind our house?" he asks, even though he already knows, but the others don't know that he knows.

"Uh, the Styles pack." Shawn says. "So I wouldn't go there alone or... ever, really. In general I'd stay away from the woods no matter what pack they belong to."

Zayn groans. "Come one guys! They aren't that bad." he says.

"Only because you are a wolf hybrid and Liam somewhat belongs to them." Niall argues with crossed arms.

Louis frowns. "Who's Liam?" he asks curious.

"It's another wolf hybrid, but he's not hanging out with us. He's always on some werewolf's tail." Niall says. "And Zayn here has a little major crush on him."

"Niall? Fuck off." Zayn says with a growl, making Louis's ears lay flat for a moment.

"Okay." Louis says to change the topic before the wolf eats the squirrel. "So except for Liam there is no mixing? Hybrids stay amongs hybrids and werewolves amongst their pack?" he asks.

The Kitten and the Wolf - L.S. ✔Where stories live. Discover now