Chapter Twenty-Two

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After school Dominic went to the Mendes' house with Louis so they can call that doctor up. Louis set up his laptop since Dom organised a Skype call for them.

Now they are both sitting on Louis' bed, laptop in front of them and waiting for the doctor to answer.

She does after a minute and a woman, maybe in her late 40th appears on the screen. Louis thinks she looks friendly, due to the smile she is giving them right away.

"Hello you two. I am Dr. Stuart." she introduces herself. Even her voice sounds very friendly and trustworthy. That makes Louis relax a bit more.

"Hello doctor. I'm Dominic, the one who called, and this is my friend Louis." the werewolf introduces himself and Louis.

"So nice to meet you Dominic and Louis." she says smiling. "If I remember correctly this is about Louis - being a hybrid - having a werewolf as mate, correct?" The two boys nod. "Okay, why don't you tell me a bit about how you figured out you were mates?"

And so Louis explains everything that happened the last full moon and how he got sick afterwards and how just recently they figured it out due to a friend who was in the same situation. While Louis explains Dr. Stuart listens closely and carefully, making sure she gets everything.

"Good." she says after Louis finishes his explanation. "From what you just told me, I am quite certain that you two are indeed soulmates. Can you talk to the alpha or is he not approachable?" she wants to know.

Louis scratches the back of his neck and sighs. "He did agree to meet up and scent me regularly, yes." he says.

The doctor nods. "Okay, but there seems to be another problem? You wanna tell me?"

"Well, he is the son of the pack alpha so like everybody is watching him. His father and the pack have a rather outdated view on how hybrids should be treated and so he was like kinda bullying me as I moved here. And he told me that it will not change." Louis tells her, playing with his lower lip. If she is to help him, she probably needs all the information she can get.

She looks surprised. "Well, did he give you a specific reason why he won't change the way he is acting in school?" she asks.

The cat hybrid shakes his head. "No, not really." he answers. "But I would guess because of the views of the pack. He is supposed to be Alpha after his father and to keep their respect he acts as if he shares their thoughts." Louis thinks and half shrugs.

It could also be the other way around. That Harry actually shares every werewolves opinion on hybrids and just accepts Louis since they are soulmates. He could very well just pretend to be okay with Louis as well. Only the wolf knows for sure. Though Louis hopes what he just told the doctor is the correct scenario.

Dr. Stuart seems to think for a moment before she shares her thoughts. "That of course isn't the ideal way and it's also quite complicated - for both of you. But as long as he does agree to scent you regularly, it should be okay for now. It should not stay like this forever and I truely hope that alpha of yours changes his mind in a positive direction." she says, giving them another smile. " And if there are any problems regarding that relationship - feel free to contact me, Louis. I try to help wherever I can." Dr. Stuart then claims.

Louis thanks her and tells her that he will keep that in mind. The doctor then asks if they have any questions for her and of course they do.

"What exactly is this cure?" Dominic asks immediately.

Dr. Stuart chuckles. "I personally wouldn't call it a 'cure', but my husband and mate designed and wrote everything that's online about me and he was adamant to keep it as cure. I would call it a solution, probably. Cure - to me - is something permanent, irreversable. My solution can be stopped whenever needed." she explains.

The Kitten and the Wolf - L.S. ✔Where stories live. Discover now