Chapter 1 - Petals Fall

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- Darryl's POV -

I sighed, as I log into minecraft, and scroll through my server list. I finally see my server, Munchy MC, and hit join. As soon as I join, there is a ruined spawn point, covered in signs with 14 written all over them. I groan, as I know Zak did this. I text him to join teamspeak, and he doesnt reply until later.

Zak - y do I need to join
( 8:50 pm, read )

( 8:51 pm, sent )

( 8:54 pm, read )

Darryl - JOIN TS NOW
( 9:00 pm, sent )

( 9:10 pm, read )

Zak - ok baldy


"User has been moved to your channel"

"What's up baldboyhalo?" Zak asked, snickering softly afterwards. "WhAt'S uP?!!? IS THAT ALL YOU CAN SAY?!?! YOU RUINED MY SERVER!!" Darryl yelled, as he started to lean down and slowly bang his head on his desk multiple times, the noise awakening Zak more. "But, I didn't d-"

Darryl cut Zak off, "Please, just fix it. Slash slash undo now..." he said quieter, before gagging slightly. He soon began a coughing fit, making Zak worry. Darryl just threw his headset off, rushing to the bathroom. He could hear Zak yelling through his headset, asking many questions, but Darryl didnt care. He just stared in shock, as he saw blood covering his hand, and light blue flower petals upon the floor. Darryl began to cough up a few more petals before his fit finally stopped.

He was oblivious as to what or why he coughed up the petals, but he just decided to look it up later. Once he got back to his room, he could hear sirens in the distance.

Did Zak call 911? God, I hope not..

Darryl thought to himself, before plopping down into his chair once more. He could still hear Zak's worried tone of voice as he slowly put his headset back into his head.


"It's okay, muffin. I'm fine, don't worry," Darryl said before doing a circle with his chair. He felt a pit in his stomach, as he gripped it tightly.

What is this strange feeling..?

He thought to himself, before snapping back to reality and back to Zak's loud voice.

"DO YOU NEED ME TO GO TO YOU?!" Zak hurriedly asked, eager for a reply.

"I uh-.... Y-You don't need to come here, Zak.." Darryl replied, as he shook his head slightly, wanting to hear Zak's reply clearly.

"BUT IT SOUNDED PAINFUL BAD!" He stated eagerly, moving around in his chair a bit.

"No, I'm really okay. I promise, you muffinhead"

"Okay.." Zak sighed, before muting his mic for a few minutes and coming back. "I have to go. Bye."

"Bye-bye" I told him, slightly hoping he'd leave quickly.

As soon as he left teamspeak, the feeling I had in my stomach grew slightly, and I felt sick again. Running to the bathroom, I once again had petals come out of my mouth slower than before, but still just as painful. I finished after around 10 came out, cleaning up the blood and flowers coming from my room to the bathroom. After it was cleaned up, I simply closed my eyes and thought about how dangerous it all is.

I looked it up, slightly wincing at what it was. Hanahaki disease, a disease in which when someone loves another person, getting their thoughts full of the person, they begin to get lungs filled with petals and blood. Originating from Japan, it began in manga as what was seen as a myth. As time passed, it slowly became real, and people got it randomly. There was no cure besides knowing the one they loved loved them back.

Something that's seemingly becoming more apparent now, going after me. I didn't like anyone, and even if I did, who? Me and Zak were only friends. I had no one else I was closer with. I needed to stay away for a few days. I logged off minecraft, turning the computer off and getting up. I lifted my shirt up slightly, seeing my ribs and barely any fat. I winced, knowing I should eat even though I had no hunger.

Walking to the kitchen, I glanced through the fridge, hoping to find something easy.
'Nothing there,'
I thought, then moving to the cabinets and checking for boxed or canned foods. I saw a can of Spaghetti-OOF's, picking it up lightly and opening it. As I poured it into a bowl, I hear a ping from my phone in the distance. I quickly finished pouring and popped the bowl into the microwave with a paper towel over it. My phone started ringing, so I rushed to find it, knowing that it could be Vincent or Zak. Right as I picked it up from my desk, I saw that it wasn't either of them, but it was Sapnap. I was confused, since he usually spends his time with Dream, and we don't have a video planned for today.
The call ended, and I called him back, "Hey?".

"Hiiii, I just wanted to know if you were free for somethin' today," he responded happily.

"Uhh, yeah. I'm free around three or four, but I have to start my stream around six so I can have a longer one today. Have lots to talk about in it."

"Oh cool! I'll definitely be watching, but anyways, we need to film some cinematic shots for the Dream SMP video. I was hoping you could help, considering I already know all the spots and what I'd like to be said during it. I'd also need help editing the video too, since I'll have over two hours of footage. " Sapnap said, making my eyes widen.

"I can help with that a bit, but I still need to edit my videos for the next few days." I answered, slowly tapping my fingers to the palm of my hand.

"Thanks Bad. I appreciate it. See you in a few hours then!" His voice made me smile, he sounded so happy and excited.

It got me thinking about how odd I felt. I enjoyed being around him, even though my stomach began to be in immense pain. I wanted to see him, to meet him in real life so badly, but I couldn't. I was scared to face him, simply because of the feelings. He wouldn't ever feel the same way towards me and he's only my friend. Nothing more.

Besides, I only want to be his friend, not sure what's wrong with that, although there's a growing frown on my face. I sighed, putting my hands into my face and scratching my short hair. I didn't want to think about it anymore, feeling the pain worsen yet again.


Word Count: 1145 words.

A/N: This is my first chapter, and first time writing fanfic. I don't know if it's good, but I hope it is. Thank you for reading this and I'm sorry if this isn't what you were looking for at all. Bye now!

Petals Don't Lie, But Friends Do ? - SkepHalo fanficWhere stories live. Discover now