Chapter 3

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Darryl's POV

I giggled slightly, knowing what Nick implied happened. After we all talked for a bit longer, we went on and recorded the video. It was around one hour long but would be edited into only thirty or forty minutes. I closed everything on my computer, sighing and leaning back in my chair.

'This all feels so stupid, questioning my sexuality over my best friend and hiding it from all my other friends.' My head filled up with thoughts like these, and I couldn't stop it. There was no way that I could hold it in anymore, the flowers were slowly consuming me. If I could stop this all, I would. It was as if my body was fighting my brain and heart. As if my lungs had no choice but to die, because of my feelings.

It was so hard because maybe I should go to a hospital, explain my disease and situation. Explain how I'm physically dying because of who I love. The pit of my stomach sank, and felt completely dull. My mind needed to be off this, on something else. Anything else would be okay, just not Zak.

I glanced at the floor, then getting up and moving to my bed. As I laid down, I felt a vibration in my pants. It was a call from Zak, of course. It was always at the worst times, times where I couldn't handle him and his antics. He probably just wanted to troll me or something. I left it to ring.

Zak's POV

This was one of the first few times he didn't answer me. He always answered my calls, no matter how mad he was. Did I do something wrong to make him hurt? He hasn't even replied to my texts from a few hours ago. Maybe he's just busy or something.

I set my phone down, taking a deep breath in and a deep breath out. I needed to tell him something really important. It hurt so bad to keep it in, but he hasn't given me a chance in weeks. We only talked on streams or for videos, rarely outside of those times lately. I wish I could just talk to him briefly, even for only one minute. He was worth more than the world could give him, and I wish I could show him that, although I can't. He's one of my very best friends, and I hope he knows how he still is. 

No matter how much time we spend apart, he'll always stay in my head and he'll always be the first one in my calls, the first mentions in my videos, and the first one in my. . . What am I even thinking? He isn't in my heart at all. I can't believe I almost said that. I need to take my mind off him now, I can't catch feelings for Darryl. I'm not gay first of all, and I'm not supposed to love my best friend like this. 

I sigh, taking a deep breath and run my hands through my hair. I lean back onto my bed, feeling hot tears go down my face. As my head began to pound, I closed my eyes, hoping that it all goes away. I open twitter on my phone, slowly tweeting out;

"I'm going to be gone for a while, guys. Streams and videos may be even more delayed because of this."

'At least they'll know'. I think before closing twitter, and shutting my phone off. 


Word Count: 609 Words

A/N: Sorry for the shorter chapter, and for the late update time. I've had a kinda busy day and my brain is slowly dying. 

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