13 || Redundant Ones

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Although her companions were bewildered, Mayu walked towards Yuna, who had approached another group of tied humans. The humans were screaming in fear and tried to break out of their circle of confinement, but the surrounding Sidhes kept putting them back in their places.

As what she had done initially, Yuna smiled lightly as she darted her gaze towards those humans, as though she was choosing some livestock to kill. She had just lifted the thin sword when Mayu stopped the blade with her own. Yuna immediately turned towards her, hostility in her eyes, "Do not butt into my business!"

Mayu smiled and lightly shook her head, "I just want to share the burden." 

A confused frown appeared on Yuna's beautiful face. The people who were about to be stabbed just a few moments ago started clamoring,

"Young girl, you are a high school student, right? Don't let her kill us!"

"She is crazy! All these long eared monsters are crazy! We have done nothing wrong!"

Mayu merely gestured towards the still trembling and screaming humans with her chin, directing her question towards Yuna, "Which ones?"

Yuna, "Huh?"

Mayu took out her second katana from the sheath, "Which ones do you want to kill?"

The initially noisy humans shut up all at once before switching to hurl abuses at Mayu instead. Yuna blinked again, before laughing in merriment. Eiji Ura had jogged to Mayu's side and hissed, "Mayu, what are you doing? Those people are humans. Do you want to kill them?"

Eiji Ura knew, Mayu's current battle stance was definitely one that would shed blood.

Daisuke Adachi was more timid, but the look of disagreement was clear on his expression. In fact, he had accompanied Eiji to approach Mayu, disapproval in his gaze towards her. Yumiko Suzuki was calmer and decided to just watch. Daiki Fuse, as usual, watched everything with a light smirk on his lips.

Mayu did not look at the two boys as she said, "Don't butt into my business!"

It was such a familiar line that Yuna could not help but to laugh louder.

She put her left hand on her hip as she lazily said, "The ones who screamed the loudest of course. But if you must know, it's that guy, that other guy in checkered shirt, that woman, that guy, oh and also, do you see that innocent looking guy? That psycho as well."

The ones Yuna did not pick immediately scurry further from the chosen ones. After Yuna finished pointing to each person with her saber, Mayu seamlessly separated their heads from their bodies. The nearby Sidhes did not bat an eye, as though this was not the first human-inflicted carnage upon other humans they had seen. Yuna whistled in appreciation and put her hand around Mayu's shoulder. She was taller than Mayu, thus her long hair tickled Mayu's left cheek.

"I should have known what you meant. My bad. You are an oracle after all, so you should have also had a hunch about my trait ability."

Mayu did not answer, but she was glad she had obtained Yuna's approval. In her first life, this was the very same woman that had stayed until the end, alongside Lou, Ran, Zephar, and a few others. If killing a few disposables could please Yuna, Mayu would do it all over again. Besides, Yuna had her reasons for picking those people.

Eiji Ura's fists clenched in restrained anger when he saw the Sidhes began to clean the bodies and cast some sort of fire magic to burn them instantly into ashes. After that, the Sidhes herded the still alive humans to another location. For Eiji, it was unimaginable to see people being treated as such. 

However, upon looking at his agitated expression, Yuna whistled again and began to resume her chattering,

"Aww... you are such a handsome boy, but why are you looking so glum? You don't like this little sister here killing those scums? That's right, they are scums. You see, although I may be a tad useless in other fields, I have an ability as useful as the power of foresight. I actually think it's very good to judge people. For one, you young man, although you are a very brave and heroic one, you are too straight! But then again, what can we expect from a person who possesses [Caritas] as his innate skill and [Humilitas] from his First Kill."

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