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The school building housed communal facilities and the teachers' office on ground floor, first year classrooms on the first level, second year classrooms on the second, and third year on the third. 

The surviving third-years decided to take a slight detour, making their way down the same corridor they came from, towards the teachers' office. However, Mayu did not want to follow them, and wanted to go to the top most level instead. She only went down to the ground level to do her [First Kill] and did not intend to check on the various rooms for survivors. 

"Mayu-chan, the teachers will be able to call for help," one of the seniors reasoned. Although the students found out that their smartphones stopped functioning, they knew that there were landline and even a couple of SAT phones inside the teachers' office.

Mayu shook her head. Her demeanor was now calm and somewhat indifferent. She did not want to act like a frightened rabbit anymore as she only did it so Eito Sawada would put down his guard around her. They were only less than a two hundred meters away from the office, and Mayu tartly pointed out a fact that everyone should be able to also notice, if they just paid attention,

"It's way too quiet, and the office door is opened."

If the door were closed, at least there might be a possibility that some teachers had holed themselves inside for safety. But the door was ajar and there were Woms on this floor. Yet, Woms were not what Mayu was concerned about. As far as she could remember, the monsters that appeared in the school were not only Woms. There was another type, equally silent as the Woms, but twice more deadly. And Mayu did not intend to be in their attack range.

"I'm going up," Mayu curtly said. It was not a request, just a statement. At least until she could leave the [Forsaken World], she must avoid enemies that could move faster than what she was currently capable of. 

The senior students were soon split into two groups, the ones who wanted to check the teachers' office and borrow the phone, and the ones who wanted to follow Mayu. To Mayu's dismay, Fumihiro Hada belonged to the second group. As for the ones that wanted to go into the office, Mayu knew she would not see them again.

The five people who decided to go up finally reached the first floor. It was not any better: Woms were everywhere as far as eyes could see. Previously, on her way down, Mayu had disposed quite a number of them, but there seemed to be no end of of the giant worms. The doors to the classrooms were wide open and even without looking inside, they could see splattered blood on the windows and floors. 

Woms were usually clean eaters, but there were some torn limbs along the corridor - ones that the Woms had missed. After all, when one had become a corpse, they could no longer produce sound. The blind Woms were bound to miss a few.

Realizing by now that the grub-like creatures acted on sound, the five people tried to make as little noise as possible. Unfortunately, one of them did not have the best of gag reflex and despite trying hard not to vomit, he still produced a guttural sound from the back of his throat.

Which was cue for the Woms to head their way.

Despite that, Mayu walked around the Woms silently. There was no such luck for the teenager who had suddenly forgotten to stay silent. In his panic, he shouted for his friends,

"Guys, guys, don't leave me!"

The others quietly followed Mayu and only looked at their friend with pitiful eyes. The teenager, upon looking the slowly approaching Woms, decided to enter one of the opened classrooms and closed the door.

Mayu could only sigh inwardly as soon his screams could be heard.

As she just passed the last classroom, located to the left of the stairs leading to the second floor, she was suddenly pulled to the side. Stumbling, yet still remembering to maintain her silence, she suddenly found herself staring into a pair of dark eyes hidden behind a pair of glasses. 

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