⚫Chapter 17⚫

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Wednesday, July 17

"Just relax Xirus. When you wake up, it will feel like you've only been sleeping for an hour, but in Aeriodvell, a week will have passed. We don't know if you will experience anything. We don't know if your mind, spirit, and soul will be awake, but just remember to stay calm."

The last thing I remembered was the feeling of Nia's hand tightly gripping mine before my eyes slowly shut themselves.

I awoke from my sleep feeling calm. I didn't have a nightmare. For the first time in forever, I didn't have a nightmare. But was that a dream? A dream of what could perhaps be the future?


I sat up from my bed and began to look around my room. "Who's there?" I called out. In return, I got no response. Perhaps I was hearing things. I rubbed my eyes and looked around the room for the second time. Instead of going back to sleep, I got out of bed. It was in fact morning time. After showering and brushing my teeth, I made my bed. I then exited the castle with Midnight and decided to go to water to clear my head.

I sat against a rather large rock as I watched Midnight run around in the sand. The sun was rising. It was yet again another morning in Aeriodvell. Today wasn't like most mornings though because I felt quite anxious. My conscience was yelling at me. It wanted me to talk to Nia again. I knew I needed to talk to her until she would finally cave in. Until she would finally tell me more. I didn't want it to seem like I was nagging, but I really needed answers. I couldn't go another day without knowing more about the myth.

"Xirus?" I heard someone call out to me from behind. I turned my head to look. Sure enough, it was Nia. "What are you doing here?" she asked before stooping down to pet Midnight. "Just wanted to clear my head," I responded while looking at the water.

"Yes. I sometimes come down here to clear my head too," she said. She then took a seat next to me on a rock. "What are you thinking about?" she asked.

I mentally laughed after hearing her ask me that. She knew exactly what I was thinking about. It was quite obvious that my conscience had been disturbed after hearing about the myth from the guys. I turned my head to at her in the eyes. "You already know." She removed her eyes from my face and fixed her gaze towards the rising sun.

"Yes, I do," she finally responded before silence joined us. I didn't want her to get upset again, even though I couldn't seem to understand why me knowing more about the myth made her upset.

After finally making up my mind, I decided to tell her. "I had a dream," I said. We both still remained staring at the water. "In my dream, I saw myself lying down. Sharian was telling me to relax. He also told me that my slumber would feel like an hour, but in reality, a week would've passed by in Aeriodvell." I felt Nia fix her gaze on me as I continued speaking. "You were also there. You were holding onto my hand as my body began to fall asleep."

I turned to look at her. She stared at me looking surprised. "You d-dreamt that?" she stammered. I could see that her eyes began to water. "Yes." She then placed her hand on her forehead and let out a huge sigh. "The Gods know it must happen," she said. "You need to speak to my father," she added while lifting up her head to look at me. "When?" I asked her.

"Now." She got up slowly and stared at the sandy ground. "You will finally understand why I am scared," she whispered. "Follow me. As we followed her, I couldn't help but wonder why she was scared. It was me who would go through the process, not her. After entering the castle, my heart quickened in its beats. This was it. I was finally going to get my answers.

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