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The usually rowdy detention room was eerily quiet save for a few gutsy whispers here and there. Although trying their best to be discreet, the stares of all those present weighed uncomfortably on the blond's broad shoulders.

Midoriya was itching to do something, say something. Yet every time he mustered enough courage to even look towards the direction of the so called delinquent, the words he prepared for umpteen time vanished into the stuffy air.

The atmosphere was thick with tension upon the neglected room with the only thing breaking the booming quiet being the incessant ticking of the mechanical clock.

Running his hands through his spiky locks that stuck out in all the right directions, the top of Bakugou's knees moved up and down consistently as he bounced his leg in impatience. A rather fresh cut decorated his lips in a diagonal strike as the motors of his teeth chewed in annoyance on a piece of gum. A distraction of his mouth supposedly, the greenette thought, due to his habit of smoking. His left hand toyed with a regular A4 pencil, twirling the piece of wood between his fingers rather skilfully, some would question a possible early hobby in drums perhaps given the dexterity of them. Underneath the desk rested his other hand, typing rather agitatedly on his expensive looking phone.

It was obvious that the conversation taking place on the digital screen was one the blond was not fond on upon taking even the tiniest glance at his facial features. It wasn't a downright expression that screamed anger but rather the slight telltale signs that oozed the essence of rage which sent shivers down the spines of those who saw.

Gritting his teeth slightly, the crimson eyed student continued his infuriating typing before hitting the send button briskly. However the response that lit up the screen of his mobile was not a desired answer for the blond put his phone back into the pocket of his vintage leather jacket before snapping the pencil that was earlier held into two even pieces.

Despite trying their best to hide their curiosity, the students that were subjected to the Friday detention couldn't help but peer at the chilling scene before them. Consequently upon hearing the echoing snap of the writing tool, the room was plunged into immediate silence, every individual wary of making a wrong move.

Until an all too familiar sound interrupted. The buzz of a cellphone.

At the sound of the call, several trembling students reached within the compartments of their bags before fishing out their mobile, each one of them praying for a black screen that was absence of any calls.

The blond however could feel the vibrations of his cell against his hand which was also tucked away in his fraying pocket before tapping the decline button as calmly as possible. Wary of not making a scene.

Nonetheless it seemed the caller had a knack for annoying the easily wound up individual, for another call was directed. This time it was evident amongst the students that it was in fact the blond's mobile that was ringing. With slightly more agitation, the troublemaker hit the decline button once more as well as taking his phone out of the depths of his pocket to do so.

A few seemingly long seconds of absolute quiet passed by as the room of students anticipated a third call from the persistent contact.

And sure enough, their prediction was delivered when the piece of metal now gripped tightly in the blond's calloused hand buzzed as well as the screen lighting up, the name of the contact unclear due to the distance between Bakugou and the rest of the pupils.

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