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"Simba, cut it out!" Rumi scolded out of frustration as she tried to give him a bath before bed

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"Simba, cut it out!" Rumi scolded out of frustration as she tried to give him a bath before bed.

Rumi has been home for an hour at the most and her mind was racing. The thing that was on her und the most was her upcoming marriage ceremony that would take place the next day. Rumi was grateful that Shiloh allowed Simba to stay with her for the night to keep her company. Most importantly, Shiloh didn't want her to be alone or unsafe.

Rumi rubbed Simba's thick fur as she stood next to the tub on her knees. Simba obeyed Rumi's command and he sat down and remained still until she was done bathing him. After, Rumi took two big towels and dried off Simba as much as she could. Simba shook causing Rumi to squeal as water for all over her. Rumi giggled as Simba licked her face while she petted him. Rumi stood to her feet and headed to the bedroom to make Simba a nice padlet on the floor at the foot of her bed. Simba patiently waited and watched for Rumi to finish before he came and laid down on the padlet. Just as Rumi was headed to take a shower, she heard continuous knocking on her front door.

"Who is it?" Rumi yelled loud enough so they would be able to hear from the the other side of the door. Rumi wasn't going to open the door because it's practically tradition--no one is suppose to see the bride at all on the day before her wedding. Typically, it's just that the groom isn't suppose to see the bride the day before the wedding, but the Havoc wedding tradition is a bit abnormal. No one is to the see bride the day before the wedding.

"It's Juelz." Rumi gasped out of worry.

"Juelz you know we aren't allowed to see each other until tomorrow," Rumi scolded as she slowly backed away from the door.

"I know but I have to ask you something very important," Juelz stated.

"What?" Rumi questioned for him to go on.

"Are you sure you want this? Are you sure you want me? This is a lifetime commitment, and I know you may be a little confused about everything. I just want to make sure that this is what you want. So if you're not sure, then don't through with this. I love you enough T to let you go if this marriage isn't what you want? And if this is what you desire, then I can only ask one thing of you, and that's for you to believe in me. Just know that one day you will have everything you need and desire," Juelz expressed.

Just when Rumi was feeling confused, conflicted, and afraid, Juelz comes to be her knight in shinning amor and save her emotionally by saying the right things. Rumi though to herself and Juelz waited patiently at the door. While Rumi thought silently herself, Simba came and disturbed her conflicted thoughts by scratching and roaring at the door. Rumi frowned at Simba and his weird and sudden behavior.

"Rumi, are you alright?" Juelz questioned with worry laced in his voice.

"Juelz, I'm fine. Simba, stop scratching the door!" Rumi shouted over Simba's roaring and scratching. Rumi was completely confused as to why Simba all of a sudden snapped. Maybe he could sense something that she couldn't. No one knew why Simba was acting out but Simba. Simba's roaring and scratching finally ceased, and Rumi waited a few extra minutes before speaking.

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