Settling In & Meeting Boys

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Hi! Look at me uploading a new chapter! I'm so sorry it's been so long to the two people who actually read this. So enjoy this. I hope it's good!

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Chapter 2- Settling In & Meeting Boys

The next morning it was a hassle for me to get out of bed.  I rolled over with a groan and looked at the alarm clock on the bedside table. It was 7:30 so I rolled out of bed, landed on the floor and army crawled to the bathroom, because I am lazy as hell.

I was ready to go in 30 minutes.  This worked to my advantage because I was able to catch breakfast with Lily before I grabbed a cab to the apartment which was near King’s College in London which was where I was going to school so it worked very well for my situation.  I was just hoping this person wasn’t a psychopath.  

The cab pulled up to the front of the building and the first thing I thought was that the building was wonderful. It was old timey and rustic which I thought was perfect. The inside was a little more high-tech. Not as old on the inside so it didn’t feel like the building was going to fall around you if you closed the doors wrong. I took the elevator up  

to the fifth floor and knocked on 510’s door and heard a very male voice yell ‘just a minute!’ from inside.  I wasn’t opposed to a male roommate but I was hoping that it would have been a female. I was about to turn around and head out because of nerves when a gorgeous blonde boy answered the door.

“Hallo, can I help you?” he asked in an accent I can only pick out as Irish.

“Um, hey. My brother called about an apartment. He said to come here because you were looking for a roommate,” I stuttered.

“Oh! Jake right?”

“Yea, that would be him. Sorry if you were expecting him instead of me.”

“Nah, it’s no big deal. He mentioned it was his sister looking. I’m in desperate need of a roommate and I stopped caring if it was a girl or a dude a few months back,” he laughed gesturing for me to come in.

I stood awkwardly in the doorway and remembered that I had no idea what his name was.

“I’m Jessalyn by the way. You can just call me Jessa though, or any variation of my name really.”

“Nice to meet ya Jessalyn, I’m Niall… Horan,” He paused between his first and last name as if he were waiting for a reaction from me. I must say it sounded familiar but I couldn’t put my finger on it.

“Um, right. Well I don’t have a lot of cash right now because of school things so I wouldn’t be able to pay rent until at least next month if that’s alright,” I state nervously.

He stands there quietly and I start to fidget hoping that he will be okay with the arrangement. However, all I can think of is the worst possible situations. What comes out of his mouth though startles me.

“You don’t have to pay rent so long as you can cook and do laundry. I’m an awful cook and it’s a little hard to take my clothes home to Mullingar for my mum to do every weekend.”

“Wait. What? This doesn’t make any sense. You are willing to let me stay here free of charge if I cook and do the laundry?” I ask incredulously.

“Yea. If that’s cool with you,” he nods in my direction.

“Are you kidding? This is perfect! I can do that for you! Hell I can do it for whoever stays at your place! This is amazing, thank you so much!”

In hindsight I probably should have wondered why he wanted a roommate when he didn’t need help paying for rent. I’m surprised I didn’t question it. The whole situation was so badly written Fan-Fic that I should have been questioning my existence and wonder whether someone was writing me into a fan-fic. I didn’t do any of that though. I just squealed and hugged Niall and asked if I could move in tonight.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 26, 2014 ⏰

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