Chapter 12

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Nasir's pov

I heard a scream from upstairs followed by cursing, I flinched and close my eyes as the screeching continues to creep up my ears in an unpleasant way.

"look! All my skirts and dresses don't fit me anymore, even my favorite one." I could see hannatu's lips quiver as she burst into tears.

I was hopeless and had no Idea what to do, so I stood up and pulled her to me as I hugged her tight careful not to squeeze her too tight I place my hand on her baby bump that was now clear as day.

"it's okay, we can get you new ones." she pulls away from me pouting

"I don't want a new one, I just want to dress official and none of the clothes I have in mind fit." I kiss her cheek to calm her down as I watch her lips start to quiver again

"Okay, how about I promise to let you eat that concoction of yours?" that made a blinding smile appear on her face

"I'd love that!" she let go of me and tossed the skirt on the floor as she rushed to the kitchen, thank God for beef jerky and yogurt. I scrunch my face in disgust watching her dip the beef jerky in the yogurt before shoving it in her mouth moaning, damn that's disgusting.


It was on a Saturday and things couldn't be better, I was trying to finish the last stage of my plan. Its not a lie that I'm attached to my wife, I've grown feelings for her. I won't consider it love but I was getting there, she was my type in everyway, but I still had to go through with the plan becasue her dad was not her.

"baby you've been quite, what's up?" I pull hannatu on my lap and kiss her fore head, she started giggling and blushing at my action.

"You're cute." I reply pecking her cheeks

"You mean sexy right? Cause I have a surprise for you tonight" I raise my eyebrow and nod, God help me.


Hannatu was grumpy and acting petty, if I didn't know better I'd think I was at fault. She refused to talk to me or even acknowledge me as a whole and getting on her good side was all I tried to do all day.

"Can you stop? I'm tired from work and I don't want to argue." she says referring to me following her around

"I'm sorry, I've apologized so many times. But you know the doctor warned us not to get intimate during your last few weeks before the baby gets here." I reply desperately trying to reason with her.

"excuses, excuses" she rants as she waddle up the stairs.

I've got a long week ahead of me and it did not look pretty, whatever I'll figure it out.

During dinner, my petty wife didn't even eat with me. She left me in the dining room while she sat in the living room, I was kinda fed up with it at this point and I just let her be.

"I'm going to bed" she announced but I just nod and kept playing with the food on my plate, didn't have much of an appetite.


I decided to sleep in my room just to avoid unnecessary drama, I had a bad headache and I had so much to do tomorrow. I checked my email before going to bed.

I didn't have brakefast before i left for work, it's safe to say I was in a hurry. I tried to call hannatu to tell her but my phone ran out becasue I forgot to charge it, oh well I'll meet her later at her office.


After lunch I dropped by hannatu's office but she'd want there, in fact she's hadn't been to work at all. I decided to go call her, I've connected my phone to charge since I arrived at work but I didn't turn it on cause I wanted it to charge faster and not get in my way of working. I had so many things to do and so many documents to complete in order to set the final stage of my plan in motion.

Turning my phon on it kept sending me notifications, 35 missed calls and 18 messages. I arched my eyebrow and decided to call the first person on the list and that was my mother.

"hello mama I just saw you missed call is everything OK?"
"your wife was rushed to the hospital 3 hours ago and we've been trying to contact you but you weren't answering. You need to get here as fast as you can." she was talking so loud which she only did when she was scared.

I felt my blood drain from my face as I stumble to get to the car as fast as I can, I just pray she's okay. Please let her be Okay!

Arriving at the hospital I asked the counter for my wife's name and was directed to where my family was, there I saw my mom, my sister, hannatu's family and of course my uncle and cousin. They all looked tired and scared which made my heart beat so fast.

"Nasir you're here, thank God!" azeemah said ashe rushed towards me

"is she okay? Anything from the doctors yet?"

"no nothing yet, she just called me earlier telling me to get there as soon as possible. She said she woke up with serious pain and you weren't there, she also tried calling but your phone was off."

"yeah my phone ran down and I didn't turn it on so I could work without getting distracted" I sigh in defeat

"it's okay, she's going to be fine" her mom says giving me a faint smile

She goes back to sit next to my mom who gave me a reassuring smile as they continued talking about God knows what.

I sat next to my uncle who tapped my shoulder reassuringly as I tried to calm down, which was impossible.

After what felt like hours the doctor came out with two nurses behind him, I literally jumped up as i stared at the man who had a serious look on his face.

"well first of all I'd like to congratulate you, your wife safely delivered a baby boy. She lost a lot of blood but she's going to be fine. as you know the baby isn't due yet which makes him premature so he'll be in an incubator for a while, other than that everything is fine" he gave me a small smile as I feel myself sigh in relief, thank God.

"when can we see them?" my mom ask with a huge smile on her face.

"in a bit, she's still asleep but immediately she wakes up you'll be able to talk to her, as for the baby the nurse will escourt you to him." I nod my head and look towards the nurse who gestured me to follow her. I felt my hands get clamy and sweaty, I can't belive I was going to meet my son.

After what feels like forever she walked me into a room and towards an incubator in a room of many babies "here he is" she says as she stands aside. I see the name "hannatu Alkali" written on the side of the incubator and I see a small baby in there, he looked peaceful abd perfect. I stare at him in awe and so much love, he's mine, my son.

After spending some time in there, I was asked to leave and I hesitantly did. I stood outside the room with the biggest smile on my face, I needed to see my wife. I need to thank her for this gift, I finally felt complete.

"would you like to see your wife, I heard she's awake?" the nurse asked timidly. I nod as I quickly make my way to hannatu's room, on entering she was looking tired and pale as she got so much attention from both my family and hers who gave us space as soon as they noticed my presence.

" hi" I whispered lowly

"hi, is he okay? Is he healthy? Is everything good?" she bombarded me with questions

"Shh he's OK, he just needs to be in the incubator cause he's premature, but he'll be out in few weeks. He's perfect." I reply as I held her hand with a huge smile

"really? Couldn't get a good look at him. I was so sleepy." she whispers

"well I did and he's gorgeous, why don't you get some sleep. I'll be here when you wake up?" she nods and hold my hand tighter as I watch her drift back to sleep slowly.


Another update, sorry if this chapter sucks, not really good at writing this kinda stuff but I wanted to do something different than I normally do. I hope you enjoy it and don't forget to..  And I'm sorry if you encounter some spelling errors, I was in a hurry to upload it I barely had time to edit it.


Bye for now......

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