Chapter 3

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Nasir's pov

Three months later......

It's been three months since I started working in this God forsaken company, and it's embarrassing to say I haven't gained an inch of evidence from them. Everything was secured and protected well, it's difficult to get information that's above my access level. You might ask what of my so called boss? Well nothing has changed since the first time I met her, she's cold and unapproachable which makes things worse for me. Most of the time she called to complain about my work and the lack of professionalism, I didn't blame her though cause I half assed it and just did what I felt like. There was one time I had sent her the wrong material during a meeting and it almost cost her a contract so she double checked everything I did.

I was frustrated and close to giving up on this whole mission, I thought it would be something easy but oh how wrong I was. My uncle was constantly pressuring me, while my mom bugged me about settling down soon. It's safe to say my life is a living hell, I've managed to talk to the employees and get friendly with them but they were tight liped.

"The meeting is concluded, Nasir see me in the office." Hannatu announced as she exited the board room.

I walked behind her admiring her beauty and elegance. Arriving at her office she sighed heavily before turning towards me....

"How many times have I told you to crosscheck your reports before forwarding it, do you know how hard it was to explain to my dad that you couldn't do your Job correctly?" She fumed

I took a deep breath trying calming down and forcing a smile on my face "I'm sorry for the inconvenience, I'll make sure to do my job well". She nod waving me off, and with a heavy heart I walked out of her damn office and drove straight home damn the consequence, because first thing tomorrow morning I'm quitting.

Hannatu's pov

Summaya rushed into my room as I binged on 'how I met your mother' and munched on Nutella and strawberries.

"For the love of good knock before you enter will you?" i roll my eyes slightly annoyed

"Sorry but I have good news, and terrible news." her smile fades as she announced it

"okay good news first." I decided sitting up crossed legged

"I'm getting married" she squealed "he officially asked for my hand in marriage and my dad said yes"

"I'm so happy for you babe, ehen so what's the bad news?" I peaked up curious

"i know what I'm about to tell you will change a lot of things but I promise you I tried my best to stop it. My dad called yours to tell him about my upcoming wedding, and he told him you have three months." the look on her face indicates that something was wrong, seriously wrong.

"Three months for what?" i asked scared as hell hoping it wasn't what I thought

"To bring out someone you're interested in, or he'll marry you of to him" i felt the air knocked out of my lungs and tears blurred my vision.

"I-i-its not who I think it is, is it? Ba Dai shi ba ko? " (it's not him Right?) judging by how quite she is, I know I was right.

I burst into tears of sorrow, why me?


After crying for hours, my energy was drained. I was about to start crying again when something popped into my head, an idea so stupid it might just work.

"Wait! You said that he told you that I should either bring someone of my choosing or he'll marry me off him right?" summaya nod. slowly " that's it, I'll find someone before then."

"You're kidding right? When are you going to find someone In three months. Kin fara hawka cewa" (you've started going mad) sumayah  huffed rolling her eyes

I chewed on my fingers nervously, who? Who will I get in les-

A smile graced my lips "i know who'll be perfect for this task." This might just work if I play my cards right


Nasir's pov

I took my time going to work, after all today is the day I'm resigning. Arriving at work the whole place was in chaos, I spot Salimah who is Hannatu's assistant. I and her get along really well, even though she gave me no information about the company she helped me settle in when I first came in.

"What's going on?" i asked a puzzled looking Salimah

"Apparently Mr Abdul quit, he entered Miss hannatu's office and when he came out he went straight to his office, packed and he just left without as much as a word." She answered looking panicked

"Wow that's messed up, anyway I have to see her so I'll see you later." she nod smiling

I knocked at my 'bosses' office, I heard her soft voice call me in, I entered and she had a girl sitting next to her. She gestured for me to sit opposite her, which I did. knowing I'm not gonna take time in doing what I'm about to do, I felt this happiness overcome me.

"We need to talk." we said in unison, I'm sure she probably wanted to fire me and I was completely fine with it.

"ladies first" i say trying to be a gentleman

"I need a favor from you, a huge one." the serious look on her face made me a bit nervous, did she find out who I was? Why I'm here, oh God this whole idea was stupid to begin with.

"Go on" i reply barely keeping my voice straight, I had to keep my head high up and whatever the case might be I need to take the fall for it. I didn't want my uncle involved in the consequences, it's the least I could do for him.

"I want to marry you" she says and all hell broke loose, cause there's no way I heard right.

Another chapter, I'm sorry for not updating I'm writing my exams. Sorry if you encounter any spelling error, This chapter is not edited.


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