Chapter 1

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Nasir's pov

Sweating and panting, I flip the cover of my Water Bottle before gulping it down. I've been working out for 2 hours now and I'm worn out, my phone beeped and for a while I wanted to ignore it but I went against my better judgment and grabbed it checking to see who it was. Apparently my uncle wanted me to come by his house, something about work.

I work at my uncles company for almost five years now, I studied business administration in collage so after I graduated he took me under his wings, he taught me everything I know.

By now I was driving as fast as I could, my uncle might be nice but he's impatient and short tempered. The gatekeeper was quick to open the gate for me, he's been working at my uncle's for almost 20 years so he's like family.

Getting out of my car I waved at him, turning to my cousin (my uncles son) Hussain who was standing few feet away from me grinning like an idiot.

"what? Your smile creeps me out." i mumble slowly backing away from him

"exactly, pops told me you were coming so I thought I should welcome you personally." his smile widen painfully, that's when I knew something was definitely wrong cause he's not a smiley person to being with.

"okay fine what do you what?" I finally give up cause he's defiantly playing at something

"that girl who works as your assistant, I want her number." He poked me with his index finger wiggling his eyebrow

"fine I'll send it to you later, I have to go see your dad though." I li smoothly, I had no intention of giving him the poor girls number. He'll probably break her heart and blame it on luck as he always does.

"well he's in a good mood if that helps in some way." He shrugs going through his phone, probably texting the unfortunate girl of the week.

Smacking his head I strut into the house, I walk straight into the living room were he was sitting on the couch reading his daily newspaper.

"So you've finally arrived? Is your car faulty or what? It took you so long to get here." He fumed staring down at his wrist watch

"The traffic was bad, common go easy on me." he shake his head gesturing towards the couch opposite him, I sat with a long sigh.

"As you know my company and Alkali.Co have never been on good terms, They've repeatedly tried to shut us down and so have we. For so long they've had the upper hand until now. " he concluded sitting straight

"Until now? So are you saying there's a way to beat them?" he nods slowly

"I heard rumors stating the company is involved in fraud, I asked someone I personally know who work there and they confirmed it." There was a pregnant pause, almost like he was waiting for me to absorb the information.

"So what do we do now? We can't just make our case without evidence and only one witness, we need concrete proof." i reply deep in thought

"Exactly and that's where you come in, I want you to go undercover and find it" i snapped my head towards him so quick it would hurt if I wasn't in shock

"Wait what? Me undercover? Have you seen me act on a normal day, we're talking about weeks here. Do you really think I'm cut out for this?" i asked wanting to be sure I wasn't hearing things

"Yes you, I need you to take this serious Nasir. I believe you can do this, you've always put a hundred when it comes to this company and it's welfare. Now I ask you, can I trust you?" i could see the desperate look on his face and in his eyes, he really did believe In me. It's time I make him proud cause he's been a good father figure and guardian to me.

"Yes I can, I can do it." i reply confidently

"That's good, you're to report on Monday as the new marketing director." He pulls a file placing it on the center table

"Wait, aren't I supposed to go for an interview or something?" I ask picking the envelope and opening it, just background information I'm supposed to provide.

"No that's all taken care of, as I told you earlier i have someone on the inside." My uncle replied shortly, he's always been efficient.

"So will I get to meet that person Monday?" I was curious who threw the company under the bus

"No, that person isn't just anyone. He's in the board of directors, the only reason he's helping is because he wants to take the company down just as bad as we do. So no, he won't get involved in this directly." I nod at my uncles explanation, it's a smart move doing things behind the scenes cause the more involved you get in it the more you're most likely to be caught.

"Okay, I'll be on my way now ." i say standing up with a yawn, damn I'm exhausted.

"Okay I'll see you on Monday evening." we said our goodbyes and I left him to his magazine , I stopped by Hassan's room to say bye and of course he was on the phone. I didn't wait up I left with a wave.

And as Nasir left his uncle was sure he forgot to tell him something, something so important it might just ruin everything they've worked for but it escaped his mind. no matter how hard he thought it was like a distant memory. He shrugged thinking it wasn't important after all if it was he wouldn't forget such a vital information. And oh how wrong he was, if only he remembered to warn Nasir then things wouldn't have turned out the way it did. If only he didn't forget it would have saved a lot of pain and tears to come.

So here's the first chapter as promised......


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