"I will have you know, that Peter-" "MR. STARK!" Peter yelled, cutting him off. 

"Wow, you're really going all out with this, aren't you?" Flash smirked. 

"Peter. Like I said earlier, I need your help. What color watch are you wearing?" Tony asked seriously, voice heavy with implication.

"I am wearing a gold watch," Peter replied. That was their code. He had the Iron Spider on him at the moment. 

"Great. I'm going to swing by -" Tony broke off to laugh. "That was unintentional."

"Yeah. Like I said, careful with what you say," Peter mumbled. "I am going to fly by. Be outside."

Peter cast a quick glance around the room, taking in confused faces, leering ones, and the two encouraging ones - Ned and MJ.

He sighed. "Got it. I'm on the third floor, fifth window from the right," Peter told Tony. "Alright. I'll be there in a minute. Lov-"

Then Peter hung up.

He met the incredibly confused faces of his classmates. "Uh... it's a Stark Internship emergency," The boy explained quickly.

Flash's face was calculating, smarter that a lot of people gave him credit for. Weighing the reactions he had and the likelihood that it was really Tony Stark.

Peter could tell Flash had arrived at the answer by the way the boy's face paled rapidly and his eyes widened.

"I, uh, gotta go," Peter said, brushing himself off.

A few seconds later, repulsors sounded and Tony was hovering outside the window. He knocked on it, smirking, as the helmet receded into the suit.

"Hi, I'm here to pick up Peter S- Parker. Peter Parker."

Mr. Allen had slowly opened the window. "Sir, you can't just take him out of school without permission," He said hesitantly. 

Tony gave a bored sigh and stepped in through the window. He walked over to Peter's desk at the side of the classroom and grabbed the pencil from his hand. "Excuse me, Mr. Stark-" Peter said, mock offended. 

Tony just stuck his tongue out at him as he grabbed a piece of paper from Peter's notebook.

In an exaggerated flourish, he scrawled a note quickly. 

I, Tony Stark, am checking Peter ␥ Parker from school today, 9/29/19.

The three lines ␥ are scribble marks

Tony tossed it carelessly at the teacher. "I'm his emergency contact and backup guardian. That works, right?" 

The entire class was gaping at Peter, who was blushing furiously as Tony grinned, ruffling the boy's hair.

"Let's go, kid."

And with that, Peter and Tony went off to fight some aliens.


A few months after the incident, he had made Tony agree not to call him in the time period of Mr. Allen's class, rather to text him instead.

The rest of the Avengers didn't get the memo.

A full seven minutes into class, the song We Own It started blaring.

Clint, why?

Peter reluctantly pulled out his phone at Mr. Allen's sharp glare. 

"Hey, Peter!" Clint said cheerfully. "I know this is probably a bad time, but you know the prank war? Tasha wants me to invite you to our team."

Peter gasped. He had been waiting for the prank war to officially start. 

Peter Parker OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now