Big Brother Byers to the Rescue

Start from the beginning

You managed to slip your grip away from Cynthia and go back to Jonathan's side. He put his arm over you in a protective way. You had no idea what was going on, but you wanted to know. And you found out.

Jonathan explained that Will went missing a while ago and still hasn't been found. And since your father was a relative, he was a suspect. 
"Y/N, pack your things. We're leaving." Jonathon said. 
"-What, what-no! She's not going anywhere." your father exclaimed. "Why? I can tell she's not being loved or cared for like she would be if she was with her mom. You don't deserve her."
Jonathan nodded to you and you headed to your room and got out a small suitcase and packed. Your brother keeping watch to make sure nothing happened.

Once you were done packing, you stick to Jonathan's side like glue and head towards a car. Your father walking behind the two of you. "Take a look at this beaut." your father said, approaching the car. Should've seen it when I got it. Took me a year, but it's almost done."
Jonathan looked in the trunk as if Will was supposed the be there. You were scared. Scared about Will and where he was. If he was okay. He wasn't just your twin brother. He was your best friend. Even though you haven't seen him in over a year. 
"Really? You want to check up my ass, too? I told you the same thing as I told those cops, he's not here and he never has been." your father told Jonathan.
"- Then why didn't you call Mom back?" Jonathan snapped. "I don't know, I just I assumed she just forgot where he was. You know, he was lost or something. That boy never was very good at taking care of himself."
Anger boiled inside you. He was insulting his own son. You wanted to punch his face him or hit him with your suitcase. But, you couldn't build up the courage too.
"This isn't some joke, all right? There are search parties, reporters..."
"-Hopper's not still chief, is he?" your father interrupted. Tell your mother she's gotta get you out of that hellhole. Come out here to the city. People are more real here, you know? And then I could see you more."
Jonathan shook his head and gave a look of disgust.
"- What, you think I don't want to see you?"
"-I know you don't." Jonathan replied.
"She even know you're here?" your father asked. Jonathan said nothing. "Oh, great. So one kid goes missing, the other one runs wild? Some real fine parenting right there. Look, all I'm saying is, maybe I'm not the asshole, all right?"
Jonathan took out a newspaper from his bag and threw it at your father's chest. "In case you forgot what he looks like."

You followed Jonathan to his car and get in. "I'm sorry you were stuck with that bastard." Jonathan said. You shrugged. "I just wanna go see mom." you reply. "Don't worry. We will. We will."

You drove out of Indianapolis and towards Hawkins. The town you haven't seen for  a very long time. "You hungry?" Jonathan asked. "You look starved." 
"Yes, please." you reply. 

You stopped at a Carl's Jr and got some burgers and fries for the road. As you rolled up your sleeves to keep food from getting on your sleeves, one of your bruises showed. "What happened?" Jonathan asked with a concerned look. "Uh..."
"-Did Lonnie do that?"
You do and say nothing. Jonathan sighed. "That answers my question. I'm glad I got you out of there. Don't worry. You're not going back there. Ever."

The rest of the ride was silent. You immediately recognized the town you once called home. But, the feeling of being safe still seemed to have an absence. It was because of Will. He was missing. Your twin brother and best friend was missing and you wanted to help find him. 

You immediately recognized the small, but comfy house you knew as your true home. Hot tears were reaching the surface of your eyes. "We're home." Jonathan said. Before you had time to think, you were already out of the car. You heard the familiar barking of Chester, the dog you and Will had picked out of the Hawkins shelter. Before you had time to blink, you were tackled by medium sized dog. You fell to the floor as the dog was licking you to death. "Hi, buddy." you say with a laughing cry. Just then you see a figure run out of the house and towards you. "Y/N!" the voice exclaimed. You literally had to push the dog off you to see who it was. 
"Mom!" you practically screamed. You got up and ran to her, embracing her as hard as you could. "Oh, honey. I've missed you so, so much." your mother, Joyce cried. "Me too, mom. I was so scared." you sobbed. "Don't worry. You're with us now." she comforted. She kissed your forehead. 

Time skip--------------

It was already nightfall. You carried your stuff in and moved it back into your old room. Nothing was changed or touched. It was just the same. "Tomorrow, you can see your old friends. They're all still here." you mom said, tucking you in to your bed. "What about Will?"
Your mother sighed. "He'll want you to see them whether he's gone or not."
You nod and wipe your eyes, your saggy long sleeve unrolled, showing your bruises. Your mother cringed. "Did Lonnie do that?" she asked in almost  frightened tone. You nod. You could see the hot tears reach the surface of your mother's glassy eyes. "Well, you're never going back there. You're staying here. I don't care what the law said, I'm gonna get full custody of you no matter how long it takes."

You smiled at the thought of it. 
Hawkins will be my home once again. Seeing my friends again. Feeling safe. Wait-I'm not safe. If Will was taken away, will I be taken too?

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