Gloria Vetra (Flicker) (X-Men)

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Name: Gloria Lilith Vetra

Age: 15

Pronouns: She/her

Orientation: Bi

Personality: Usually distant and quite. She always likes helping people. She does her best not to get mad, but she has a short fuse. When she's mad or sad she starts to blink or her hands start to flicker in and out and she may go a little see-through. She's wary of making friends because of friends she had in the past. She's a doormat and will occasionally do illegal things and drink. Doesn't do drugs, ever.

Power: Blink. It's a mix of Tracer(overwatch)/Venellope(wreck it Ralph)/Troublemaker(miraculously ladybug)'s abilities. She blinks out of the physical plane for a moment, going a bit blue and see-through. She can stay in one place or go to another place she can see. She can take objects that she can hold and pickup, but not people. While she's flickering she cannot he touch, but she can't touch anything else either. She cannot go through walls. She has no control over this power.

Backstory: She had a very normal childhood. She spent a lot of time with her older brother, who taught her to skateboard. It was through this that she made friends. Unfortunately, she befriending the wrong type of people. They did drugs and drank and vandalized walls. She didn't like doing these things, but she did them so they wouldn't leave her. They were the only friends she had. This made her high school life horrible. She was constantly bullied by the more popular people. It never got physical until one day in the beginning of 10th grade. They corner her when all her friends had left and beat her up. She wanted to leave. She needed to leave. She couldn't get up. Just as she saw a foot coming directly at her face, she closed her eyes for impact. And then she wasn't there. The blow never connected. She looked back and the guy had fallen on his ass. She was confused and just started running. She didn't realize, but she was flickering uncontrollably as she ran home. Her family pointed it out and she freaked out even more, telling them what happened. Her brother had heard of Xavier's and said they should bring her there for help, which they did.

Strength: Smart and loyal. She can also avoid most attacks using her power.

Weakness: She's a big pushover. She can't touch anyone or anything when flickering and blinking and has little control over her power when not assisted by technology.

Hobbies: Skateboarding, reading, practicing self defense techniques.

Other: She has to have a bracelet made when she gets to Xavier's to anchor her in the physical plane. She can optionally flicker out while she's wearing it but, when it's broken, she can't control it at all.

 She can optionally flicker out while she's wearing it but, when it's broken, she can't control it at all

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2019 ⏰

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