Elsit Fraynield (HTTYD)

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Name: Elsit Fraynield

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Name: Elsit Fraynield

Age: 17

Personality: She's shy around people she just met or doesn't know well, but once she sees how you act she can be your best friend. She makes jokes and teases people all the same, and is quite cunning when it comes to most things.

- Dragons
- Yachs
- Chickens
- Singing
- Reading
- Riding dragons
- Hunting/Hunters
- Physical fighting
- Swimming
- New people

Dragon: Skywing

Backstory: She was born into Viggo's dragon hunting group, although she never really liked the practice. She always sat with the captive dragons, feeding them and singing to them. As she grew older she got punished for this behavior more and more by her parents, and it only got worse when her mother became Commander of their small fleet of ships, still serving under Viggo. When she was 15 they caught a Sunfury, a race which had never been seen before. They considered giving it to Viggo, since they had recently gotten on his bad side when they weren't able to take down the dragon riders. Elsit couldn't let this happen and freed the dragonet that night, taking a small boat from he fleet and escaping, heading for Berk where she heard the dragon riders lived. Viggo heard of this and was not to happy about one of his own leaving his fleet so easily, and has a high bounty out for her, dead or alive.

Cloth Detail:
- On her shirt she has a patch from her fleet of dragon riders; their symbol. She X-d it out when she officially left the organization
- She has goggles just like the ones Hiccup has, Deathsong Amber hammered thin. It allows her to negate the blindness affect Sunfurys can produce (See Skywings Bio for details)

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