Purple Diamond (Steven Universe)

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Purple Diamond
Name/Gem(s): Purple Diamond (goes by Amethyst now)

Gem placement: naval

Nickname: Dia, Amia

Age: eons old (made at the same time as pink)

Alignment: neutral

Served Diamond: herself

Job: monarch (formally)

Weapon/Power: Using her aura she can emit an aura that turns gems agains their friends

Fusion?: no

Personality: rebellious, procrastinator, likes to break the rules, irresponsible

Story: She was made with pink Diamond to be a monarch, but the diamonds found her to rebellious for the position and agreed to shatter her (all but blue and pink). She was warned of her shattering by some Amethyst who where guarding the door to the diamonds meeting (she created Amethysts, in a way. Like pink created Rose Quartzs) and was able to escape. She now flies through space with her pearl disguised as an Amethyst in her chest ship, looking for a home.



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