Chapter 48

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A/N: I'm so sorry it's taking me some time to update. Work has gotten crazy last month and it will get crazier this and next month! I'll do my best to finish this before October, I actually already have some of the next chapter written up.

Oh, and Sebastian is finally pushing through (fingers crossed) with his Tokyo Comic Con appearance in November and I'm hoping that things work out so I can go! EEEEEEKKKKKKKKKKKK *shaking*



My heart started hammering in my chest as soon as I closed the door to our room. That journal held some of the most private, sensitive thoughts in my head that I'd kept to myself for so long. I wonder what he'd think of it after finding them out. Shaking my head, I changed into more comfortable sleep clothes and let slumber take over me for the next few hours.

I was awoken sometime mid-afternoon with a couple of gentle nudges on my arm. I stirred and mumbled things I couldn't even understand causing Sebastian to softly chuckle as he hovered over me.

"You gotta get up sweetheart," Seb implores. "Scar and Chris called, said they were coming over," he pauses a bit. "With food."

My attention is piqued with the mention of food. Since my belly has grown, it became increasingly harder for me not just to move around but to do simple house chores such as cooking. Sebastian had to go and get creative with our meals just to make sure I was meeting the dietary and nutritional requirements to stay healthy.

I shoot my arms up and grabbed onto Seb's arms, taking it as cue to help me up. I grunt lightly with the effort but I was grinning up at him when we were seated face to face.

"You dork," he muses before getting up and helping me out of bed.

Scar and I were catching up in the kitchen while we let the men do their own thing in the living room. She walks up to me on the other side of the kitchen counter and looks at me for permission to caress my belly.

"Go on," I say. "It must be asleep though, usually he/she likes to move around at night, right before me and Seb go to sleep. I think it likes it when Seb is right beside me."

Scar gives me a look of surprise. "You guys don't know yet?!"

I smile at her sheepishly while looking down on my bump. "Seb and I want it to be a surprise," I reply softly. I was a bit hesitant at first to not ask for the gender but when I saw how Sebastian had been working himself up in excitement of not finding out, I've changed my mind and shared in his excitement too. Now we're down to the last few weeks and I've began counting down the days to when we'll finally meet our angel.

Scarlett nods with a smile. "That's so like Sebastian, always wanting things to know at the last minute. He always says it keeps his perspective fresh. Helps him to overthink less."

"I know," I respond. "Anyway, enough about us, how about you? I'm sorry to hear about Colin..."

Her face contorted into a small frown as she looked outside before looking back at me with a sad smile. I rub her arm apologetically.

"No, don't be," she says in barely over a whisper. "It's been a long time coming anyways."

"I'm so sorry I haven't been there for you, even if it was just to talk over the phone," I tell her and she shakes her head again.

"Oh don't be silly," Scar scolds me but with an undertone of understanding. "You've had a much rougher time than I have. What's most important is we're both here now."

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