Chapter 1 - You and I Collide

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A/N: New story! The Other Side is still going to continue, don't worry! It's just that I read an interview with Chris talking how his anxiety affects him and it got me thinking about how they all seemingly live in a bubble, with only a public facade to put up. I wondered what could possibly happen if someone had the opportunity to offer them something different than the usual interviews. I also realized I haven't read (yet) something that tackles this so I decided to write about it. I hope you wike.

As always, after reading, please share any thoughts, share the story and VOTE! :)



"I still can't believe you got this sit down, Rae! This is gonna open so many doors for you, for us, I'm so excited!"

That was my assistant, Rex, going through my schedule for the day, which really only consisted of one entry, my sit down interview with Chris Evans and Sebastian Stan, two of the lead characters from Avengers: Infinity War. A last minute press junket was scheduled in Singapore, and my little online entertainment magazine was one of the select few chosen to interview the two of them. I didn't bother asking the organizers how they got those two on such short notice; I was just excited for the fact that I got one of the ten slots for media representation.

As I've mentioned earlier, I run a small entertainment and lifestyle website called Escape the Bullshit. It mainly deals with stuff that people can do to, well; escape the bullshit of everyday life. It began as an impulsive side project while I was still in the corporate world, until it slowly took over my life, basically forcing me to resign from my current job to run the site full time. Believe me; it doesn't pay as much as my previous job, but I wouldn't trade the amazing experiences it has given me so far over the last five years.

Applying for a media slot to interview Evans and Stan was a spur of the moment decision as well. I decided to go for it, seeing as how our Marvel Cinematic Universe content was one of the reasons why our site blew up from just 75 subscribers to 3000 new ones within just six months right after our extensive review of Captain America: Civil War. I thought it would be a nice treat to our loyals to surprise them with an exclusive with Captain America and The Winter Soldier themselves.

"Wish me luck," I huffed out nervously to Rex as I slung my messenger bag over my shoulder. "Um, Rex, is there anything else I might be needing?"

Rex tapped on his temple a few times, mentally running through his list. It's why I love him; he's just so...efficient.

"Nah, you're all set, you go slay, girlfriend!"

I checked my watch as my cabbie pulled up in front of Marina Bay Sands. I was twenty minutes earlier than schedule. I started to make my way to the reception area to ask where the powder rooms were when I bumped into something solid and sturdy, knocking me a few paces back. I closed my eyes to brace for impact. If it wasn't for a pair of two strong hands gripping my arms, I would've fallen flat on my haunches.

"Holy shit, are you okay?" A deep, yet soft voice reminded me I was still standing upright. I tried to feel the flat ground beneath me before opening my eyes.

I didn't recognize him right away as I was still trying to get my bearings and balance. But as my brown eyes connected with those impossibly blue ones, it felt like someone froze the world around me and the only thing that was moving or had some semblance of life in them was me and the person holding my arms and gaze.

"Are you okay? I'm sorry, I wasn't looking where--"

"Y-y-you're..." I tried to say something but it felt like tumbleweed got caught inside my neck, rendering my mouth effectively speechless. You're fucking Sebastian Stan, my brain seemingly wanted to scream for my mouth instead.

If his eyes rendered me speechless, his voice was making excellent work turning my knees to jelly. It didn't help that he seemed to blush at being recognized since no one else did. At least not yet; he was wearing a pair of washed jeans that hugged his thighs down to his legs, a plain white tee under his signature blue leather bomber jacket. His five o'clock shadow was just barely visible and together with his closely cropped crown, he was nearly unrecognizable unless you took a double take.

"Sebastian. Stan. I mean, um, Sebastian Stan, yes..that's uh--that's me," he blubbered, and I can see his neck turn a light shade of crimson. He eased his hold on me, sliding his hands down my jacket covered arms. Despite the clothing barrier, a delicious shiver ran through me. I finally managed to calm myself a little and laugh.

"That you are," I said, eventually getting my brain and mouth to work together again. "I didn't see you there. Sorry I barrelled into you."

Sebastian managed to take half a step away from me, but he was still standing very close to where I can smell hints of his Gucci perfume—strong yet subtle hints of goldenwood with undertones of patchouli mixed with something else I couldn't place. He smiled back sheepishly as he rubbed the back of his neck.

"Nah, I'm sorry," he spoke again, the distinct blend of his New York and Romanian accent coming through. "I was the one who wasn't looking."

"Okay, so we both weren't looking where we're going, how about that instead? And yes, I'm alright. You have very quick reflexes, Mr. Stan," I said, patting him in the arm.

He smiled that smile again and I immediately thought he should be arrested for something that could kill an entire population.

"Seb, please," he responded somewhat pleadingly. "Mr. Stan feels like I'm being ushered into a hospital or something. I would say it's a pleasure to meet you, but I don't kn---"

I stifled a gasp by covering a hand over my mouth, I haven't introduced myself yet! I extended a hand to him.

"I'm so sorry, the name's Rae, Raezelle San Rafael," I say, shaking his hand as I did so. "I am actually your 11 am today."

"Wait," Sebastian said, as if he was trying to remember something. "You're the one from Escape the Bullshit?!"

I didn't know whether to be embarrassed or proud from the way he asked me. I'm kinda impressed though, the guy took the time to know who he'd be speaking to.

I slowly nodded in affirmation. "Yup, the one and only." I feel a growing warmth from my right hand and it was only then I realized Sebastian's hand was still enveloped in mine.

"Can I have my hand back? I kinda need it to write down notes and stuff later," I asked, and he murmured something I couldn't hear and let me go. Something felt lacking as soon as his warmth left me.

"Sorry," he said again. He took a glance at his watch and looked up to me again. "It's five minutes before 11 and I was just about to make my way there when I--I mean, we bumped into each other. You wanna go with?"

I nodded and let him lead the way.

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