Chapter 16 - Making Love, Making Friends

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Sebastian and I ended up staying in bed for the rest of the morning and the entire afternoon. We were both insatiable; three months after we first made love was a damn long time to go by with only Facetime and scarce text messages that kept us in contact.

I was panting so hard after our latest go around, I knew I wouldn't be able to walk, much less crawl tomorrow. I made a mental note to let him take me to his gym so I can start rebuilding my stamina up.

"Oh god," I said in between breaths. "You're gonna have to carry me around tomorrow babe. I mean, did we get all the kama sutra positions covered?" Sebastian was currently hovering over me, laughing at my quip before settling his lips on mine again. God, this will never, ever get old.

"Hmm," he seemed to ponder as he propped himself on to my side with his elbow. He began swirling his fingers on my belly moving upward, just slightly grazing the side of my breasts. My breath hitched and his eyes darkened again. "I don't know, we could check?" Sebastian smirks at me and I swat his hand away. He takes it though and kisses my fingers one by one. I imagine dirty, dirty things that those pink lips can do to me.

I pull the covers over me and sit up. "How about a nice, hot shower, Lance Tucker? Then we can talk about checking. Besides, what time is it anyway? Didn't Chris say something about wanting to have dinner tonight?"

My male puts a hand over his face and groans, I can tell he's beginning to get annoyed as he bit his upper lip. I remove his hand and I cover it with both of mine. "Really? I don't remember him asking that."

"I uh...he might have messaged me this morning while you were going all Gordon Ramsay on me," I say sheepishly.

"Can we just stay here all day? I thought you said you missed cuddling with me?" Sebastian pouted like a little boy who got denied candy. I shook my head and grinned.

"I do, it's just, I do miss hanging out with Christopher. After all, if it wasn't for him..." I purposefully trail off, my pouting grown man should know. I raise an eyebrow to let him know he's not getting out of this one.

Sebastian poofed out a breath and looked at me. "What time?" he finally grumbled out. I lean down to whisper in his ear and when I pull away, his eyes were two popping balls out of his sockets. I jump off the bed to make my way to the en suite bathroom. In only my birthday suit.

Just before crossing the threshold, I look seductively over my shoulder at Sebastian who was still gaping at me.

"Are you just gonna sit there and watch?"

"You are lucky I love you and I love Chris, otherwise I would not be doing this...this is fucking LA and cameras are just—" Sebastian was putting the last touches on his outfit and checking himself out in the full length mirror. He was getting worried and frustrated and understandably so, but I couldn't say no to Chris when he messaged me this morning. I hug Sebastian's edgy frame from behind and kiss his shoulder.

"You're not so cozy when you're all stiff," I mumble over his jacket. He lets out a long breath, runs a tense hand hard over his head and lets it rest on my cheek. "I just got here, you know? TMZ already got a hold of us at the airport and from what I've seen of your previous interviews, you do a pretty good job of ignoring questions about your personal life. So what is this all about, Sebastian?"

He didn't speak for what seemed to be a long minute. I let go of my hold of him so that I can stand face to face with him instead. He wraps two sturdy arms around my waist and pulls me very close to him.

"I'm just...I'm too damn scared is what I am. You're the best thing that has ever happened to me and I don't want the world prying on our every little move without it being turned into speculation about something," he said emphatically. I press my lips into his ever so gently and I can feel the sigh he let out.

"And you're the best thing that's ever happened to me too. I love YOU, Sebastian, and everything that comes with you. That means your celebrity, your public life, all of it, whether it's good or bad. I'm a big girl, you can show me the ropes and I promise you I'll be able to handle it. Just keep your promise that you'll be by my side in all of it, okay? That's all I need. Everything else is just noise."

Dinner with Chris was fun and very, very entertaining, to say the very least. He kept me in stitches all the way through with their on-set bloopers and gaffes that were far too embarrassing or PG to include in the DVDs. He brought Scarlett Johansson with him, and we instantly hit it off. We didn't notice the time until I started yawning. I was after all, exerted to nearly my extreme the entire day.

"Oh you poor girl," Scarlett said to me and eyed Sebastian suspiciously. "We should already know, should we, Seb?"

"He just missed me TOO much is all," I managed to say in between yawns and the pair opposite us laughed. Meanwhile the man on my side is blushing furiously like a beet and had a sudden fixation on the window.

"Well," Chris signalled for the maitre'd to hand over the tab. "In any case, we should head home. This was fun. I hope we could do this again before the next round of madness arrives."

Scarlett and I exchanged numbers and promised to hang out soon. Chris took her home as Sebastian brought his car. By the time we got into his car, I was too sleepy already; I didn't even see Sebastian strap me in. The next thing I felt was a pair of soft lips on my temple, slowly stirring me awake. I slowly open my eyes and find a dainty pair of blue ones looking at me tenderly. Still feeling drowsy, I muster a smile for my male.

"We're home, sweetheart," Sebastian murmured and kissed me on my temple again. He reaches out under my legs so he could carry me bridal style to go inside the house. "You tired?" He asked me with a smirk on his lips. I slap him on his shoulder before wrapping my arms around his neck, nuzzling my face there as well.

"This is all your fault, mister," I mumble. "We are not having sex for more than five hours straight ever again." I wanted it sound like a threat, but it came out like I was a kid whining instead.

I didn't hear what else Sebastian responded to me with, I was out again like a light as soon as we crossed the threshold.

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