Lie #20: Homeschoolers are Nearly Invisible

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Sorry that this is getting out so late! I had it written on Thursday, but my laptop was being an idiot and wouldn't let me post it. Enjoy!

Lie #20: Homeschoolers are Nearly Invisible

If you could pick any superpower, what would you choose?

I would want the power to become invisible at just the snap of my fingers. Think of how freakishly awesome that would be! I could stalk people and go into amusement parks for free! Or you know, sneak on a plane. Or ever stea... I mean get free food. However, nobody will ever be invisible. It just doesn't work that way. Even if you're homeschooled, you'll never be invisible, in the sense that no one knows you. In fact, I know some homeschoolers that aren't invisible at all, but rather pretty well known.

Now I bet I can tell you something that you didn’t know. And you’ll be like woah, I’m voting for this, because you are an absolute geniusis.

Well here it is: Lots of youtubers are homeschooled! (or online schooled, same thing)

Say WHAT?!

Yeah, I’ll name some for you. AlexisGZall, CrazyRayRay, and Jennxpenn are just a few.

They were like hey, I need more time, for my videos, to travel, to myself, so GUESS WHAT I’m gonna quit public school and be a freaking homeschooler. And I’m gonna rock my pjs all day every day. THE LIFE.

No, but seriously, it’s true. And there’s more than just those three. Some of them have even made videos talking about their homeschooling experience and how great it is. The majority of them, started homeschooling AFTER youtube. They wanted more free time to focus on their channel or maybe they got too famous and were getting mobbed at their schools. Probably the first thing.

But the point is -->    .     (OMGSH we’re back to this again?! ARE YOU SERIOUS)

That homeschoolers are super amazingly cool people and are quite known to the world. At least, I know I AM!
But yeah, you may find this fact surprising (the one about youtubers, not me); I know I did.

It is true though.

There's also the Wattpad user @RealityCheck101 who's homeschooled. The account is owned by two twins and they almost have 10k followers! Like wow, I think that's a little bit famous.

And also, I’m totally pulling this out of thin air, and I have no proof to back it up, but I’m pretty sure a lot of celebrities’ children are homeschooled. You know, for privacy reasons, or I think a lot of them have private tutors. I know for sure that there are special schools for famous people or their kids, but I’m not sure about the homeschooling fact. Comment with further information if you happen to know!

I think youtubers are really amazing people and I’ve always wanted to be like famous on there. Never tried though, because laziness and procrastination is taking over the nation. Enough said because it’s all just a mess.

But now you know that homeschooling is definitely a lot less work than public schooling. I have a lot of free time, and you know, you can work ahead, etc. Homeschooling is just so flexible, unlike me.

Homeschoolers are definitely not nobodies, essentially anyone can become a somebody and just take my amazing advice: If you are planning on becoming famous someday or you just want more free time, be a rebel, quit public school! Trust me, you won't become invisible to the world. But you should only be homeschooled if you’re independent and responsible enough that you’ll actually do your work, because otherwise, you’ll suffer from MAJOR procrastination. Okay I’m done.

I cracked a rhyme more than one time in this chapter and I’m proud of it. For each of these rhymes that you see, I will give you an extremely yummy cookie.

Who is your favorite youtuber? Tell me, so I can waste my time watching their videos! Mine at the moment are AlexisGzall and the vlogbrothers. Check them out because their vocab is just wow.

Now, I will not be updating next Friday *sad face* because I will be out of the state! BUT, I’ll definitely be posting the Friday after that (the 7th). And maybe MAYBE I’ll sneak in a chapter when I get home late next Saturday. No guarantees though.

Don't forget to vote!

<3 Ashlyn Taylour

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