The Fear Tag [DISCLAIMER: There is talk about Religion, Periods, and Death]

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Rules: You simply write a list of fears of yours - preferably ridiculous ones, for entertainment value - and explain that fear, then tag people. You should tag as many people as your fear list contains, though it does not have to be this way. Your list should have a minimum of 3 fears. I will be putting at least 5.


Fear Number One: Bridges

You guys should probably know this by now, but I'm pretty scared of bridges. Why? Well, for this. If you were to fall off a bridge, or if a bridge were to collapse, you would suffer from major damage from the impact of landing. Also, there is a possibility of drowning if you were to fall into water. ALSO, the birgde could collapse on top of you, pieces crushing you. So yeah.


Fear Number Two: Losing Things/People

This is a more recent fear, in all honesty. I've grown extremely paranoid that the people in my life hold a secret hatrid/grudge towards me, and I fear of losing friends very easily. Also, I'm very attached to friends and people, so losing them would be the end of me, leading me to enter severe paranoia. I'd grow extremely antsy, anxious, and probably isolate myself. If being an object, I'd also spend about 99.999999% of my time searching for it. The other 0.000001% would be sleeping. Speaking of,


Fear Number Three: Sleeping/Falling Asleep

This is mainly because of a childhood experience. When I was a little girl, my mom woke me up one night at about 12:00AM and told me that we were moving to my grandparents' house. I entered a long stage of my life believing that my entire life is just a dream, and when I wake up I won't remember anything that happened. I'm scared to go to sleep now, because I sometimes fear that I might wake up in that reality, where I'm still an 8 year old pussy with no friends and no life. I also have a habit of having dark dreams, sometimes relating to me losing limbs or breaking bones. And to top it off, I have insomnia. Great.


Fear Number Four: People

I'm not the only one, right? Making human interaction just seems terrifying! As I previously mentioned, I have a constant worrying that people secretly hate me, so I can't bear to talk to someone with that in mind. Who could? I mean, I'm a weird kid, who spends most of her time behind some sort of screen, and just acts like a goofball half the time and an isolated anxious freak the other half. I can't be entirely to blame .-.


Fear Number Five: Religion

NOW WAIT ONE MINUTE, BEFORE YOU COME AT MY DOOR WITH YOUR TORCHES AND PITCHFORKS, LET ME EXPLAIN MYSELF. Have you actually seen what some of the Bible says? Hell seems terrifying, and just about everyone in mankind has sinned in some sort of way! So you can't exactly avoid it! There's a lot of other religions besides Christianity, and they either weird me out, terrify me, or I don't really know about them. Okay, on a last note here, let me reveal something. Are you ready? You sure? Promise?

I don't have a specific religion.

I - in all honesty - could believe that there is some sort of God. But I'm not sure. Maybe if I had a little bit of a better grounding, I'd know for sure. I somewhat believe in a God, I just don't know which one. Also, I DO believe in Evolution. So yeah. Back to listing.


Fear Number Six: Death

If that last one didn't say enough about what could happen when you die [Hell .-.], then I'll tell you more here. What exactly happens to a dead person? Do they just inevitably leave existence? Are they sent back here in a ghost form? Do they descend into Heaven or Hell depending on their judgement? I don't know! And in all honesty, I don't really want to! I mean sure, there are people out there that died that I would like to know what happened to [Robin, Ed, Amanda, a few others], but I just can't bring myself to imagine what could happen to my conscience - to ME - after my body's done with.


Fear Number Seven: Ebola (sickness in general, but I want to focus on this)

Remember when I said that I didn't want to see much of the topic of Ebola? IT'S BECAUSE I'M SCARED AS FUCK. In all honesty, I'm terrified, that at any minute some freaky-ass bug could bite me, and give me some hella scary disease that makes me bleed out of my eyeballs! I don't want my eyes bleeding! This applies to other sickness, too! I don't like being sick, it's so uncomfortable lying around being a snuffly mess. AND DON'T GET ME STARTED ON THE PAIN OF VOMITING.


Fear Number Eight: Periods

Basically the same as that last bit. I don't like sitting around barely able to move, because if I do my ______ will erupt in a mess of blood. I don't like that thought. I take a great disliking towards it. I also don't like pads, they're weird. And tampons are just...



Well, that's it. All of my fears. Yeah. I kinda hope you enjoyed. OH WAIT, TAGS.

I'll be tagging five people...who are...

- spikethementalist

- l0vely_tea

- Pixel_Crafter

- JenDoesWriting

- xStriped-Sweaterx

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