I Love You

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The sun chased the moon until it lingered in the bright sky once again, it's warm - warmer than this past few days - thin sunrays gently filtered through the treetop's branches, and some of them showered the boy's faces.

Lance opened his eyes, feeling extremely numb and heavy. His muscles hurt. He apparently hadn't rested at all. He tried to go back to sleep but the light didn't allow him to, and he felt pressured by the chirping of the nearby birds.

He felt miserable. He missed his bed, his home, his family.

But his neck was tickled by Keith's raven, cinnamon scented hair, and he remembered why he was there. He was unable to move, so he decided to give him five more minutes of sleep and let his eyes travel from their surroundings to their bodies pressed together and the contrast of their skin. Damn, Keith really was gorgeous, from behind, from above, from all angles. All of him.

Keith was having the most wonderful dream, riding as fast as he could with Kosmo, getting away from the Palace. Lance wasn't there, but he knew the hunter would be waiting for him when he got to his destination, though he wasn't sure where he was going. Somewhere far, far away from his father. Finally. 

And so he woke up a while later with a soft smile on his face, which widened at the feeling of Lance's arms around him. Yeah, he could get used to this. Too bad Lance wouldn't be able to stay the night back at the castle. The risk of someone coming in was too big. 

The Prince rolled over in his arms, grinning stupidly. How could he not when he was woken up to such a beautiful face? This may be their last morning together for a while, so he'd enjoy it as much as he could. 

"Hey, baby," he breathed, laying an arms over Lance's waist. "Good morning." The vague memory of his nighttime tears reentered his mind and his smile faltered a little. 

"Did you sleep well? After, you know.. I woke you up." Weirdly enough, that crying really improved Keith's mood. He felt good, having relieved himself emotionally. He had a new purpose, something to fight for. And Lance had given it to him. 

"I slept wonderfully myself," he mused. "Your arms are so comfortable." He gently squeezed Lance's bicep and giggled. Yeah, the hunter was ripped. It was hot. 

He brushed a hand through his hair, the ribbon holding it together having been long lost somewhere in the blankets. He'd gotten rid of it last night, when they... Oh god. In all the emotions and talks and drama, Keith had nearly forgotten what they'd done. 

A small blush tainted his cheeks, but he played it off as it being the cold. What are you doing, Keith? Lance knows you had sex. Don't be so stupidly embarrassed. He leaned on his elbow and pecked Lance's cheek. "Big day today. You exited to see your family again?"

The moment he met Keith's joyful expression, Lance couldn't help smiling softly in return. "Good morning." He murmured lowly. A pang of guilt struck him as Keith asked him how he'd slept. He couldn't tell him he didn't sleep okay because he'd immediatly think It was his fault when in reality, it wasn't. Him stressing himself out all night was his fault and his fault only. 

He felt his cheeks turning the slightest of pinks at the touch on his arm as the prince checked him out and chuckled as well. That was cute. 

"There's nothing wrong with waking me up, babe. If you ever have another nightmare or you're not feeling well or whatever reason that's keeping you from sleeping, just wake me up, alright?" he reassured him, gently placed a kiss on his forehead. 

"I slept alright," he said, you know, like a liar. But what would he gain by worrying his prince? "I'm glad you slept well, I can lend you my arms any time," he mused with a soft giggle, yawning and moving to stretch his arms a bit before placing one over Keith again, craving the contact. 

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