Freed nodded and Laxus turned, Felix looking at the old man who smirked.

"Grow up to be a strong man, Felix", Lucados said. "Don't let anyone tell you what to do."

"That's enough", Freed said with a frown. "You should be happy you had a chance to meet your great-grandson even once before you will die here in prison."

"I am. I can see the traits of the Zaldevil family in him."

"You're just seeing things."

"You will soon see what I meant, don't you worry, son."

Laxus stepped down the few stairs and they came to the corner where hallways crossed. Suddenly he stopped when he heard laughing from ahead of them.

"Everything echoes here pretty well", a familiar voice said amused. "I thought it was your voice, Laxus. I'm hurt. You came all the way down here and won't even say hello."

Laxus frowned, feeling anger and he pulled Felix closer to his chest without even realising it. It had been some times since he heard that voice but he would never forget it.

"Come on, son. Come see me properly since you're here. I heard you want some information, I might know something..."

Laxus hesitated, but finally he took steps to walk forwards. Felix was worried what was going to happen now since Laxus looked so angry. It was like he really didn't want to go meet that man who was speaking but he had no choice.

Finally they stopped in front of a cell. Felix looked at the man who had black hair and beard, noticing something familiar in him. But he looked scary and he grabbed a hold of Laxus' shirt.

"Oo-Oh! So this is my grandson", Ivan smiled widely looking at Laxus and Felix, standing just the other side of the bars. "He is a Dreyar alright, it warms my old heart."

"The fuck do you want?" Laxus grunted scowling at his father. "Tell me what you know so we can leave."

"Don't be so hasty, son", Ivan smirked. "I even sent little Felix some gifts, did you get them?"

"I threw them away when I saw your name", Laxus said bluntly. "We're not gonna give Felix anything that has touched your hands."

"How cruel. I went through a lot of trouble that I could sent him those."

"I'm surprised you even know what cruel means. Tell what you know, old man."

"Being impatient like always", Ivan huffed. "So you were talking about Emmett, Ichabod and Humphrey if I didn't hear wrong? I happen to know something about them", he smirked.

"That's what you said, stop repeating your words."

"I wouldn't have cared if you didn't have mentioned them all at the same time. This is too much to be a coincidence, they must be the same men who are working for a certain man I know as well."

"You know him? They told us they have a boss but didn't reveal his name. They are working on some project, some business thing."

"Yeah, I know about that as well. Well, not much but something."

"That man is Bickslow's father."

"Oh, that explains a lot about him... Never liked that brat anyway, but you persistently kept teaming up with him."

"Tell me about his father", Laxus commanded. "Was he one of your underlings as well?"

"Oh god no!" Ivan sneered. "I wouldn't have taken him as my underling even if he wanted to join me! He actually came to me and asked me to join as one of his generals or whatever. It happened years ago already, around the time when you were stuck in that stupid tree."

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