Chapter 38

77 6 14

Trigger warning
Third Person POV

They were outside, waiting for the bus to come when Chandler saw a blonde kid walking towards them.

"Hey, is that the kid you said was looking for me?" Chandler asked nervously.

"Uh, yeah." Parker said.

The kid walked up angrily. "Are you Chandler?" The kid growled.

"Y-Yeah...why?" Chandler asked, fidgeting with the hem of his hoodie. Suddenly, the boy shoved Chandler to the nearest wall and pulled out a switch blade. Gasps and screams were heard throughout the bus loop.

"Let him go!" Laura yelled.

"I d-don't even...I don't even know you..." Chandler choked out.

"Yeah? Well I know you. You got my dad sent away." The boy spat.

"Y-your dad?" Chandler asked, afraid. By now, kids started to gather around, trying to see what all the noise was about.

"Yeah. My dad. Do you not recognize the last name? My names Anthony Brooks. My dad is Keith. And now he's in prison because of you." Anthony spat out.

Anthony pressed the blade to his neck harder. Zay decided now was a good time to go and get Mr. Addams.

"He was a good man. Until you went and cried rape." Anthony said loudly and the kids around him gasped.

Chandler felt his face heat up and his breath quicken. There were a few more gasps and whispers and Chandlers stomach dropped at the realization that a crowd had gathered, and they all heard what Anthony was accusing.

"I-I didn't cry anything. I didn't even know what rape was until last week so could you please remove your knife from my neck?" Chandler asked sarcastically, but he was scared. Everyone knew that much. It was pretty hard not to be when there's a knife pressed against your neck.

"I don't believe you." Anthony sneered.

"Your dad came into our house a-and he t-tried to kidnap me, for the second time might I add, and my sister called the police. It's not like they put away an innocent man." Chandler said as calmly as he could.

By this point, Mr. Addams had joined the crowd of people.

"Anthony, put the knife down, and let him go." He said sternly, fear evident in his voice.

"No. He got my dad locked up. Do you know what he told people?" Anthony asked.

"I didn't tell anyone anything." Chandler choked out.

"You made my dad out to be a rapist. And now, I'm gonna make you hurt as much as my family does right now." Anthony said angrily and tried to stab him, but Chandler swiftly dodged out of the way and pushed Anthony onto the ground.

Then, they heard sirens and a few officers came running up.

Talk about timing. Chandler thought to himself.

"Drop the knife!" One cop yelled. Anthony did as he was told and put his hands up. Chandler quickly got as far away as Anthony as he could.

"Are you okay?" Laura asked and grabbed his hand.

"Y-Yeah. I'm good. A rapist has a son. Wonder how he got here." Chandler said and shook his head sadly.

"You do NOT feel bad for him right now." Laura said and gave him a look that said, are you serious right now.

"Think about it, Laura. My dad sucks, yeah but I'm proud to say he's not a rapist. Anthony can't say the same." Chandler said and looked at the boy being put into the cop car.

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