Ch. 18 The Seven Packs

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Rory walked back into the Mad Cow Diner and over to Klaus. "Hope and Lilly are down for the count. They fell asleep as soon as Mary started the car. I doubt they'll miss either of us over the next few days," she told him, before looking down at a list of Kingmaker offices. "So which of these Kingmaker offices should we hit up first? There's ten of them." She looked up at Klaus when he remained silent. "What?"

"Lucien has revealed his true nature. He's taken Freya. Now it seems her rescue depends on Elijah working with my ever-reliable brother Finn," Klaus explained.

"Oh," Rory said, a little disappointed. She had been enjoying having time with the hybrid again. "And you wanna go back to New Orleans to head up the hunt." Klaus opened his mouth, but nothing came out. Rory nodded. "Fine. You should go. I'm sticking with Kingmaker though. Lucien's working very hard to cover up these wolf kidnappings and I wanna know why."

Klaus grabbed her hands. "No," he said. "The wolves, Freya's abduction, it can't all be coincidence. We'll let my brothers pursue the obvious path. You and I will pursue this one. No doubt all roads lead to the same treacherous bastard."


Rory and Klaus got out of the car and started walking towards the office. "Does he just build these from a kit or something? That's the exact same as the last five offices," Rory noticed. "Same windows, same plans."

"And inside same generic abstract art, same compellable receptionist," Klaus said.

Rory looked at him, feeling bad for dragging him along when Freya was in danger. "Look, I'm glad you're here. But are you sure you wouldn't be better off with your brothers? I can do the leg work," she offered.

"And split up the team now?" Klaus asked, smiling at her. "Just when I'm discovering your car pool karaoke skills. I think not." Rory laughed at him. "No, Lucien is playing a game here. Each unassuming little office building we search, the more sure of it I am. We keep going. Together. Even if we have to scour a hundred of these poxy places."

Rory smiled as they walked inside. They went to the desk where they were met by a receptionist as usual.

"Ah, hello, love," Klaus said as they approached. "We're here for a spot of search and potentially destroy. Do tell, where are the areas off limits to general staff?"

The woman smiled. "You just wait right here. And I'll have someone out here to help you with your inquiry," she said.

Rory heard the sound of her clicking a button under the desk. All the lights went out and security stormed into the room.

"Freeze! Right there!"

"Hold still!"

Several red dots covered both hybrids as the men pointed their guns at them. "Let me see your hands right now!"

Rory turned towards Klaus, a small smirk on her face. "Shall we?" she asked.

"Ladies, first," Klaus said.

Rory let her eyes turn gold as they attacked the men. The room filled with the sound of gunfire and screaming, till every human in the room was dead. The two hybrids walked towards the back. Klaus saw a man in a lab coat exit a room and quickly snapped his neck. He held the man's ID up to show Rory, before using it to unlock the door the man had came from.

They entered the room to find several people hooked up to machines. "They're all wolves," Rory noticed. She walked over to one and put her hand on his shoulder. He opened his yellow eyes as he leaned forward. Rory gasped and backed away. "Klaus, they're still alive," she said, shuddering at the thought of how horrible this must be for them.

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