1. breaK in

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I walk down the stairs of the house, still in my robe. I see all the guys in the kitchen making breakfast. I grab a stool and sit. They all greet me happily.

"Aye what up Prince, I heard it was another rough night with you and Villian"

"Eh yeah but you know he secretly likes that shit, his crazy ass" I laugh slightly

I grab a plate and Creep Fills it with food as I begin to eat. The rest of them grab a plate as well and begin to eat. We all have a friendly banter and playful conversation before we hear heavy footsteps come down the stairs. Villian comes down stairs, gets himself a plate immediately and then sits and eats while everyone stays quite.

"So uhh boss? Did you eat the booty like groceries last night." Everyone starts laughing, as I just shake my head in disgust. Villian stares, straight faced for a while before a smile creeps up his face as he high fives Chill

"You know I did!!! I ate it like a mother fucking buffet." I shake my head

They are all absolutely disgusting. They don't even care that I'm right here.

"You all are disgusting" I get up and walk towards the living room. I sit on the couch and turn on the TV.

Okay some back story for you guys, I've been on my own almost my whole life. I was raised by my father till I was 10, when he died. My mother was the bitch who left so much for motherly nature, I guess that was hers. My father died from cancer. It was sad but I got over it,life went on. They tried to put me in foster care but I ran away, the people there were abusive and I was not having it. I used whatever my father left for me which wasn't a lot but it was enough to live off on til I was 16 every night I'd stay at one of those shelter homes. I'd earn a couple of dollars from begging. I'd eat 2 meals a day and that's how I lived my life. Then Villian found me or more like I found him. When I was 17 I began to steal off of anyone that walked by on the streets. One day, I stole from the wrong person, but the wrong person turned out to be the right person. After I had stolen his wallet, I didn't get far before he grabbed me. I was scared outta my mind. He's a big dude!! Who wouldn't? But I guess the minute he looked at me... I don't know. He took me in, gave me a home, food, family, and I love him every day for it. He was 22 at the time. A year passed and I became less scrawny, my hair started to grow in nicely and I was no longer ashy and pale. My boobs grew in and I turned 18. The day of my 18th birthday was the same day Elijah and I stopped seeing each other as family but more as life partners and he became mine and I became his. It's been almost 3 years since then. Tomorrow is my 21st birthday. I've been living with one of the biggest gangs of Kings, New York for 3 years. And I'm their Queen, that they would do anything for.

I love my life.

I feel the seat next to me dip. I turn to see Elijah next me. He grabs me by the waist and pulls me closer to him as he whispers in my ear.

"Tomorrow is someone's birthday" I smile a bit.

"I know" he kisses my cheek then lays his head on my shoulder. "I don't want anything big you know that, I don't even want cake. Just cookies and all of you guys there." He hums into my neck, kissing it slowly.

" you know I can't do that. My baby gets the best and only the best." I shake my head and giggle

"Obviously you guys didn't finish whatever y'all was doing last so how bout y'all go back upstairs now before we all have to see the eating of the groceries" Crazy walks past while eating a sandwich.

Before either of us could respond, one by one shots were fired at the window. Elijah grabs me behind the couch quickly.


I stay down with Elijah till the bullets stop. When the bullets stop we both get up quickly to check if everyone is alright.

I look at Elijah, relieved.

"Nobody's Hurt" I tell Elijah

"Good" He says "everyone basement now!! Baby go upstairs"

"Elijah you know I could be apart of this, I've done it before-" I try to argue

"And that time you got hurt. Please just don't argue Zyimar, please." He walks to me and puts his hands on my cheeks "I love you, I don't wanna see anything bad happen to you."

I sigh "I can take care of myself"

"I know you can but please for me just stay put."

I just push his hands off and go upstairs.

He never lets me join there plans just because of one stupid slip up with a gun and my leg. It's fine now it's not like I can't walk!!

I begin to take off my robe and I put on a pair of basketball shorts and a cut up t shirt.

That's when I felt a hand on my mouth and a knife to my neck. I widen my eyes, about to scream until I feel the knife press harder letting me know not to.

I realize there was a cloth between me and the hand.

And before I could do anything, I passed out.

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