"I can't live without you Zhan" he said.

"I'm glad, because I can't live without you
too" I said and he let out a low chuckle.
I turned to see Mari and Zela both looking
like they too were in hell at the thought of me dying. I tried to stand up.

"Careful Zhan" Yibo cautioned, but I
shook my head at him

"I'm fine"

I went to Mari hugging her

"Oh Zhan" she cried

"I'm sorry Mari" I said, she nodded touching my face.

"I'm glad you're okay. That's all that
matters," she said,

I hugged Zela too

"You're in so much trouble for that" she hiccuped.

"I'm sorry my friend" I said ducking my head,

she nodded kissing my cheek

I noticed Yibo's leg

"Yibo, are you okay?" I rushed back to him.

"Its fine, the medics will take care of it,"
he said, and then I noticed the men were gone.

"Where is Jun?" I asked

"Liu's men took him and his cronies away,
its over," he said.

"But you're in pain" I said frowning.

He chuckled

"I'm a big boy, I can handle it" he said

I remembered again, if I was able to sustain myself couldn't I heal Yibo's leg?

"Wait, sit down" I instructed and he complied with confusion on his face

"I'm going to try and heal your leg" I said.

"I don't know about that Zhan..." he said then I stopped him with my hand
I grabbed his leg with both my hands and
tried to focus like I did earlier, it was harder trying to pull out
the bullet and heal the wound.

I heard Yibo groan in pain and then the
bullet came out and the wound closed.

"Are you okay?" I asked not sure if I did the
right thing.

"Yes" he said incredulously, moving his leg
back and forth

"Its completely healed, wow" he said looking at me

"How did you do that?"

"The same thing I did earlier" I said smiling that I removed his pain.

He chuckled uneasily

"Remind me never to mess with you," he said

Everyone in the room laughed and we walked outside.

Three black SUV's and an ambulance was parked in the driveway,

The man I recognized as Liu walked up to us.

"I'm so sorry guys, Jun tricked us; that son of a bitch, were going to lock him away for good"

"How is he?" I asked feeling guilty, I didn't know what came over me, I just saw him shoot Yibo and something in me just snapped.

"He and a couple of his men will be alright,
just minor fractures here and there" he said

"I wouldn't feel so sorry if I was you"
He gave Zhan a hug

"Good to see you both in one piece, we'll go now. I'll talk to you later" He said

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