only for a night

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{ gxg } It's a humid summer day in late June. Two girls find each other at a pride parade protesting for their own rights. A story of how those two girls fell in love for the night.


It's June 27th, Pride month is almost over, yet the protesters stand strong even with the hot sun beaming on them.  The colors of the parade filled the air; flags were flown from every lamp post making this old town look bright and loving. A slight breeze would fill the air, giving an ounce of cool for those still shouting for their rights. Those protesters weren't shouting with anger or fear. They were shouting with happiness that they had this day to fully be themselves, to represent the community they were in, and for the people who were yet to come out.

Holly was out with her best friend. The two of them always seemed to be close. Holly didn't feel like being there. With a bottle of beer in hand, she took another swig of it. The bland tasting of the beer disgusted her, but she drunk it for the fun of it. "Holly stop being a brooding stranger and lighten up for once." He'd nudge her with his shoulder bone. She let out a groan and took a swig once more, "Fine fine whatever what do you want to do then, Kai?"

Kai just gave her a smile before dragging her into the crowd of happy people. The two of them walked along the people, but it always seemed like Holly was walking alone.

There was a blonde girl, Trixie at this event. The way she looked was stunning. Full lesbian pride, holding a small flag in her hands, and rollerblades on her feet. Trixie had the brightest of smiles, trying to make everyone at the event feel at home. She skated around, danced, and laughed along with the people. She was only a singular star throughout the people.

Trixie was just minding her own business, until a wheel on her skate decided to pop off, leading her to collide with Holly herself. "What the fuck-," Holly muttered as the two of them tumbled to the ground. Holly blinked at the blonde girl who crashed into her; Trixie just smiled and waved at Holly. "Hi there! Guess I kind of fell for you there!" Trixie exclaimed with a goofy smile plastered on her face.

Holly would sit up on the asphalt still staring at the girl, and let out a laugh at the girl, "Guess so." She'd get up and grab Trixie's hand, pulling her up, "C'mon lets go find a seat of something." Holly would still hold on to Trixie's hand as they started walking, and rolling, toward a bench at the end of the street. The two of them sat on the wooden bench and got caught up speaking together.

Holly may have lost her friend in the crowd, but she knew that he'd find his way back to her at one point. The two of the girls both sat in silence, before Holly initiated a conversation, "I mean, you are here for pride, but why this pride of all?"

"Pride is pride," Trixie started, "We're all here to embrace ourselves, and who we truly are. This isn't my first pride this year, I've traveled to many in this state, and a few out of state. I came to make everyone's  pride feel more special, with me and my lesbian wheels," She'd point to her rollerblades before continuing, "Some are here to find themselves, and some are here to represent themselves and their community. Some are just here for the fun of it but all of us are here for the fun of it. It's a whole month to us, and who we are."

"Although we don't know who we are," She'd point to herself and Holly while speaking, "We both have one thing in common, and that's the LGBTQ plus inside of us." Holly would let out a small laugh and Trixie would just give her a death glare.

"No no no, its not what you said its just you rhyme a ton while you speak and its fucking amazing I love it." The blonde girl just laughed and sat in silence. Holly would rest her head on Trixie's shoulder and took in the sunset and the pride marchers.  The orange hue of the sun would cast on the two of the girls, Trixie would start to run her fingers through Holly's hair and just smiled to herself.

With a few minutes of sitting on the bench for longer, Trixie finally spoke, "Can I kiss you?" Holly would sit up in a normal position, "You don't even know my name and you want to kiss me?" Trixie just nodded, looking into Holly's ember eyes. "You know what fuck it," Holly grabbed Trixie by the back of the head and captured her lips in hers. Trixie gasped with the surprise of Holly doing it so quickly, but she still kissed her back. They kissed as the sun had finally set. Once they pulled away Trixie said, "I may have fallen for you, but we've fallen in love for the night"

And Holly couldn't agree more.


Word Count: 865

This first one was written during pride month, but was abandoned once July hit. I've finally decided to post it now, at the end of August.

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