Boromir- Safe Passage

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Here is another idea by the willing theambernightingale  I hope it is to your liking! I have always been a fan of writing Boromir stories

You pressed your back against the tree that kept you hidden from a group of men you were following from finding you and killing you. You had hoped to follow them as far as Minas Tirith but there was no way to keep one's boat from being spotted. It was by a stroke of luck, or the wonderful timing of the currents in the Anduin river that lead you to this group of eight men. Two were men, one an elf, the other a dwarf, the last four were clearly Hobbits. You had shored up a safe distance from them but one of the Hobbits had gone exploring and found your boat. You tried to sneak far enough away that they could not see you but still see them once they took on their journey again. 

But you were caught by one of the men, the one with the large round shield. The one from Gondor. Terrified of what would happen should he find out who you were and what you were doing following them, if they knew that much, you ran. 

The elf shot at you and the dwarf tried to cut you off. The other man, a ranger of some sort, came out of nowhere and had taken you by surprise enough to cast a spell to freeze him long enough for you to run past him. 

Now you were hiding, unsure of what to do next. 

You looked at your hands, blue and purple veins racing up underneath your sleeves and down your back where you knew they stopped at the small of your back. Your hands shook as energy coursed through you due to your heightened emotions and sudden fight and flight instinct taking over. Your magic that you once loved scared you to the point of nearly turning and pleading with them on you knees to spare you. 

But you were not desperate, not yet. 

A rock it the tree right by your head, making you turn to your left. There in the brush were the Hobbits, throwing rocks at you, yelling at you as if to taunt you closer. You just started at them, dodging the rocks, amazed at their fearlessness. However their trick worked, distracting you from the others that came racing down to you, the elf shooting an arrow just over your shoulder. You turned and looked at them, your jaw clenching. He missed on purpose. 

Pushing away from the tree, you ran a bit before turning to face them. The rushed you, their weapons drawn. Without thinking, you raised your hands and a wall of roots separated you from them as well as the Hobbits. You heard them cry out, the dwarf running to cut them free. But they were going to be fine, the roots never stayed up out of the ground long. 

Again you turned and ran, but not for long. You came to a dead end at the river, an embankment that you were not aware had existed in this area. Turning your back to it, you found them a few paces off, their weapons poised. You raised your hands again but this time the elf raised his bow and cried out. 

"An elf does not miss twice."

You clenched your jaw. "Pity you missed the first time!"

That gave them pause. The dwarf, having supposedly found out the Hobbits were fine, lowered his ax, almost laughing.

"Never before have we faced an enemy that wished to be defeated."

"There are countless other reasons there are not many others like me," you called back, your arms still raised. You could feel your fingers itching to call the river to your aid. But you refrained. 

The man with the shield came forward a few paces, taking it off and placing it on the ground as if approaching a frightened animal. You almost laughed. He too kept his hands up and away from his sword. He stopped a few meters away. 

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