Éomer Lord of the Mark

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Sqeeeeeaaaaling because I freaking love Karl Urban 😍😍😍

You held open the door to Theodred's, pressing a cloth to your mouth and nose to stanch the smell of rotting flesh and blood from overwhelming your senses. Both Eowyn and Eowen rushed in in a flurry of shuffles and hushed tones, Theodred's body hanging limply in Eomer's arms. You watched as brother and sister tried to make their ailing cousin as comfortable as possible. 

You stood at the door, watching on, not sure how to help in fear of being more of a hindrance than a help. But after a few moments of Eowyn rushing about to stop the bleeding and assessing the rest of Theodred's wounds she settled at his side to stitch him up as best she could. 

Eomer stood and raked a hand through his long, damp hair, letting out a huff of breath he was no doubt holding in. Then he walked over to you, standing by you as you both watched Theodred's chest slowly rise and fall. 

"Where did you find him?" Your voice came out raspier than you had expected, the shock of it all starting to set in. 

"Face down in the shallows of the Isen river surrounded by his fallen men and orc alike."

You blinked slowly, letting out a slow breath. "We are lucky to have him with us."

"Luck had nothing to do with it. He is dying. I should have found him sooner."

You turned to the Ridimark captain, your brows raised with sympathy. "But found him, you did, and for that we all thank you. Now he will be taken care of. With time and patience, he will be well again."

Eomer looked from his cousin and sister down to you. You reached up with your cloth and stroked what you hoped was mud from his forehead and beard. His grime covered face was full of anger and sorrow.  You wished you could wipe it away with a cloth just as easily as the dirt. 

Your hand paused on his cheek as your eyes locked. After a moment your breathing hitched and you slowly dropped your hand to his chest, patting it kindly with a sad smile.

"You should rest. You are no doubt weary from your journey."

You turned to join Eowyn but Eomer had placed a hand on your hand, pinning it onto his chest, stopping you from leaving. You turned to him with a questioning look. He stepped closer to you, his head ducked low and his eyes eagerly searching yours, making the hairs on your harms stand up on end. 

"Tell me, were you and well while I was gone? Eowyn too?"

You could only nod, your heart hammering in your chest from how close he was. You were never going to admit it out loud but you had found your friend's brother quite attractive. It wasn't until recently that you noticed his mere presence made your skin hot and your heart thunder. But looking closer now, you saw something else in his eyes that made you worry. You cleared your throat before speaking. 

"Yes. We were well. Your uncle hasn't changed, though your sister is intent on speaking to him."

Eomer nodded but did not seem satisfied. "But what of that snake of a man whom my uncle has been forced to listen to. He has not been...he didn't-"

You shook your head and turned to him fully, reaching up with your other hand to grasp his arm. "No, Eomer. Grema has kept his distance though his eyes may wonder. I have made sure of it, just as you asked me to."

At your words, you visibly watched as the worry and tension in the rider's shoulders fell away and his eyes soften. He glanced at his sister and Theodred once more before dropping your hand. 

"Alert me the moment he is awake. I have some urgent questions for him."

You gave Eomer a small smile and nodded. "Not a moment after. I promise. Please, go rest. And perhaps bathe yourself. I believe your new clothes have been seasoned well enough."

Lord of the Rings Reader InsertsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora