Boromir, Captain of the White Tower

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You dodged an Uruk's swing of his dirty sword, pulling out a dagger from your boot and embedding it in its back then shoved it to the ground. Immediately you swung your knife around, slicing the neck of another Uruk coming up behind you. You frantically looked around for your sword that was so rudy hit out of your unsuspecting hands. A flash of metal grabbed your attention, pulling you to the base of a tree where your sword was laying.

You rushed over to it, dodging your Fellowship friends as they took care of their own Uruk-hai. Diving for your sword, you heard an Uruk's growling close behind you. Throwing your back to the ground you tried to get your sword in front of you but you weren't fast enough. Ditching your weapon, you grasped both of the Uruk's arms, scrunching your nose at its stench as you tried to keep it from stabbing you.

Right when you thought your arms were going to give out, the sound of an ax hitting bone made the body go limp followed by the sound of Gimli letting out a shout of satisfaction. With a grunt, you shoved the disgusting body off of you, rolling over and grabbing your sword before popping up on your feet, nodding to Gimli in thanks. 

Legolas finished off a few more Uruks running off as Aragorn took care of the two by him. Gimli disposed of one more and you looked around to where the rest of the Uruk-hai were running off to. Suddenly there was the sound of a horn, a horn you knew all too well.

You took off running, pumping your arms and legs as fast as you could, Legolas' voice sounding in the distance as he recognized the horn. But you were already gone, Aragorn taking off after the call for help too.

But you were faster, years of being teased and chased after by the very man who was calling for aid. Not taking your eyes off the ground in front of you, you flew past Uruks as they tried to find any member of the Fellowship to dispose of. But you took no notice of them, dodging trees and fallen Uruks, leading you to a mournful sight.

Boromir stood guarding Merry and Pippin, two arrows protruding out of his chest as he continued to fight the nasty bastards off, his voice shouting out with anger and pain. You would have stood there in shock for much longer had an Uruk not try to clip you from behind. Without even turning, you swung your sword blindly behind you, decapitating your assailant. You would have gone ham on the rest of the Uruk-hai rushing after you but a much larger, much more intimidating Uruk had grabbed your attention, it's grotesque bow and arrows giving it away as the one to die next. 

Clenching your jaw, you took your sword with both hands and ran after the Uruk as it knocked another arrow. You purposefully placed yourself in front of the Uruk, his arrow pointed right at you. Boromir called after you, the two younger hobbits shouting their protests. But you didn't listen, your blood boiling with anger.

The Uruk released his arrow but you didn't flinch, hitting it out of the air with blind ease. But that didn't faze the Uruk at all, its face snarling in a ghastly smirk as he knocked another arrow, firing again. This time you weren't so lucky, the foul projectile embedding itself in your shoulder. With just a wince, you pulled it out and used it to stab the Uruk as you finally got close enough to hit it, stabbing it in its thigh. That took it by surprise. 

Wasting no time at all, you lifted your sword and stabbed it in the chest. The Uruk yelled, throwing its head back before leaning forward and taking a nasty bite out of your upper arm, your yell filling the air. But that only invigorated you.

With both hands you took your blade out of its chest in an upward motion, slicing it all the way up it's front the whole length of your sword. It flailed, trying to hit you with its bow and a dagger but you wouldn't have it. You knocked its head with yours, throwing it back just enough for you to kick its legs from under it, bringing up your sword and hitting its back with the hilt. Once it was on the ground, you straddled it, turning your sword upside down and stabbed down, pinning the large Uruk into the dirt with a cry of success.

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