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"You do realize that me being the King makes you the Queen, right?" he giggled, as he closed his book and put it on the seat next to him. "Every king needs his queen."

"Would I make a good queen, though?" I answered, tapping my chin in thought.

"You'd make an incredible queen," he corrected me, as he switched seat and came sit next to me. Michael took my legs and put them back on his lap, as he gently caressed them. "Hayley Katherine Thames, would you be my Queen of the Sanwi?" he asked, giving me one of his most beautiful smiles.

"With pleasure," I grinned, pulling his shirt slightly to bring his face towards me.

He wrapped his other arm around my waist as he gave a slow yet deep kiss to my demanding lips. I took his fedora off, and let the both of us fall back on the seats, our lips never parting. When we finally pulled away, our eyes met, and Michael gently rubbed the tip of his nose against mine. I put a strand of his curly hair behind his ear, and smiled at the sight of his beautiful, flawless face. He pecked my lips again, before he gently rested his head on my chest. I kissed his forehead, and gently rubbed his back in a soothing manner.

"I'm not ready to go back to rehearsals," Michael said, as I rubbed his hair gently. "There's so much to be done."

"I know," I simply said, pecking his forehead again. "But your fans are excited to see you do your thing. It's a lot of work, but you know you'll get the reward you deserve for it. You'll see the joy on their face at the sight of you, and I know this is what keeps you going."

"It is. I just wish we could gather them all for one giant concert, so that I don't have to travel that much. This is the thing that's most tiring about touring, the travels."

"There won't be a venue that's big enough to welcome all of your fans, babe," I chuckled, and Michael giggled along with me

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"There won't be a venue that's big enough to welcome all of your fans, babe," I chuckled, and Michael giggled along with me. He took my hand and kissed to top of it, and held it there. "The Bad Tour was a real success, and Dangerous has been number one for weeks. Everything is going to be just fine."

"You know me. I'm always afraid to disappoint people. I want the fans to be blown away, I want to make them proud to be a Michael Jackson fan."

"Oh believe me, you make them proud everyday," I smiled genuinely.

It was true. Michael never truly realized the impact he had on people, and how his generous and kind self inspired people to be the better version of themselves. A lot of bad and false things were written about him in the tabloids, but what he tended to forget was that each of his accomplishments were reported in serious newspapers too.

"I'll believe you on that," he said, kissing my knuckles again.

He adjusted his head on my chest again, as he let out a barely audible wince in pain. I frowned sadly as he was clearly hurting. Michael had been complaining about his scalp during the trip, and I didn't want to bother him with questions about it, because I knew how sensitive it was for him to talk about his Pepsi commercial accident. I wanted him to clear his head and stay away from any form of stress during our time in Africa. He needed it. But no matter how much I wanted to postpone this conversation over and over again, I needed to know more about it, because I knew for a fact that his future addiction problem would come from this particular accident

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