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I got of my car and met the cold February wind. I put my hands  to rub them together in order to warm them up a little as I walked into Walmart. I pushed my cart further in the supermarket and started to go through the different aisles.

Since Charlie's birthday was tonight and that I was in charge of his event, I needed to buy what was necessary for a perfect birthday party: balloons, candies, candles, and of course, a birthday cake. Concerning the different animations, I needed to call Baker to see if we could have a  Michael Jackson impersonator since the real one couldn't be here again.

As my mind drifted away and focused on the one and only person who was on in my head lately, I went to the Magazine section of the supermarket. My curiosity got the best of me as I started to look for magazines which mentioned Michael. Of course, there were the devilish tabloids, and the quality papers. It was easy to differentiate them. The tabloids sounded like monumental jokes with headlines such as "Delta, Liz & Oprah start diet hotline!". I snorted at the idiotic magazine and put it back. My eyes landed on an Ebony magazine from 1989 with Michael's face on it, and instantly a smile appeared on my face. He was wearing a kind of Prince charming suit, and I giggled a little at the sight of it. One thing I knew is that he could wear anything, and still look incredibly fine.

I put the magazine in the cart, and started to walk away from the Press section when something caught my eyes. It was a book, Moonwalk, with Michael's face on it. I took it in between my hands and realized immediately that it was his autobiography. I suddenly felt embarassed to have this book in between my hands. I could feel my face heat up when I thought about reading it. It was so personal for someone to do that, that I even doubted it was written by Michael himself. From what I saw, heard, or even felt, I could have sworn that Michael wasn't the type of guy to like being in the spotlight, and let his personal and private life intertwine.

I was visibly wrong.

I hated myself for putting this book in the cart, but my curiosity got the best of me, as I really wanted to know more about the person who was restlessly haunting my mind.

– – –

Once I was done with my shopping for Charlie's birthday, I stopped at Grams' house. It had been days since I last saw her, and I hated myself for that. My grand-mother was the most understanding person on Earth, and she knew I worked a lot as a doctor, but I couldn't help but feel guilty when I spent too much time away from her.

I came in the familiar house without knocking, only to see her petting her cat, Lucky. The poor little thing was blind since birth, and my grand mother rescued her when she was just a baby kitten. Since then, twelve years ago, she never left her side.

"Hey there," I greeted Grams with a sincere smile, as I walked towards her and Lucky

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"Hey there," I greeted Grams with a sincere smile, as I walked towards her and Lucky. "How are you girls doing?" I asked, as I took her in for a quick embrace. I pet Lucky on the head, and she instantly rubbed her little nose on the palm of my hand, which made me smile. She probably wanted to take my smell in, this is how she could recognize people.

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