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My eyes were glued to the pinball game as Michael was focused on controlling the flippers to direct the ball through the various parts of the machine, hitting all the bumpers on its way without letting it fall

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My eyes were glued to the pinball game as Michael was focused on controlling the flippers to direct the ball through the various parts of the machine, hitting all the bumpers on its way without letting it fall. As he hit the center loop, he gained the privilege to get a multiball, which drastically increased his amount of points.

"Noooo, it's not fair!" I complained, as I looked at the scoreboard. Of course, Michael was way ahead of me. "How do you do that?"

"I've got skills, Tickles," he snickered with a Twizzler in his mouth. "I'll teach you someday," he said, his eyes still on the game, as he kept on pushing the buttons on each side of the machine.

"Show off," I told him, as I snitched his candy from his mouth and put it in mine.

"Hey!" he whined, as I giggled, eating the candy in front of his face. "You cheater!"

"I didn't do anything," I put my hands up, fainting innocence. "Aaaand you lost your four balls. You suck."

"Oh you should run before I catch you, Hayley Thames," he threatened, and I fled the Arcade Room as fast as I could.

I went outside, and started to look for a spot where I could hide. The first thing that hit my eyes was Michael's big Giving Tree, the tree that helped his inspiration flow. Without thinking twice, I climbed the tree and waited for my boyfriend to come out. I looked at the surroundings in awe, and immediately, I felt at ease, like I belonged right here, at this very moment.

I felt lighter ever since I saw the date Michael would meet Jordan the week prior. It's like a weight was taken off of my shoulders. But I still stayed alert, though. May was three months away, and all I wanted was this date to arrive already, hopefully so that all of this would be behind us.

In the distance, I saw a car pulling up in front of what would become Neverland's train station. Hayden came out of the car, surprisingly accompanied with Grams, to whom he opened the car's door. A smile decorated my face at this very sight. Hayden and Grams' relationship used to be so complicated and filled with hard feelings on both sides. I was glad that they somehow managed to work things out, and be there for each other.

"Hale!" Michael called, as he looked around. "Come on, come out now!"

I giggled at his desperate tone, but I didn't budge from my hiding place. I knew I would have to leave it at some point, but I also wanted Michael to keep looking for me. I made myself more comfortable on the wooden platform, leaning with my back against the thick branch behind me. In the process, I let something fall from the tree, which caught Michael's attention right away.

"Ah! Busted!" he screamed, which made me laugh loudly.

In a matter of a minute, Michael was jogging towards the tree, totally ignoring Hayden and Grams walking towards us. He swiftly climbed the tree with agility, and joined me on the platform with a smile that made my inside erupt with love.

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