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A/N: Hey guys, I am so sorry for the wait, I've been hella busy these last few weeks, and I apologize for that. I am back, and I'll do my best to update on a more regular basis. Again, I am sorry, please bear with me :(

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With Alice by my side, I watched Michael and Frank as they came in the elevator shaft. Once they were out of sight, I turned to my friend and saw the dumbfounded look on her face. It's like she was just now realizing what just happened a few minutes ago. I thought I would be in the same state as her, but I found myself being relaxed, and most of all, I felt happy. There was this feeling of completeness, deep inside of me, which was invading me little by little, like seeing Michael was what I needed. The day was a roller coaster of emotions, though, but it had been months I didn't feel this happy, and it felt good.

"I just can't believe it," Alice whispered, as she snapped out of it. "All of this really happened?"

"Yeah," I snorted, shaking my head with a blissful smile on my lips

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"Yeah," I snorted, shaking my head with a blissful smile on my lips. "It happened."

"How are we supposed to go back to work after that? How are you supposed to go back to work after that? How can you be so chill?"

"I—I don't know," I stuttered a bit, shrugging. "It's like he soothed me, like he told me, without words, that everything is going to be just fine."

"I'd kill just to be in your shoes," Al told me, serious, as we were walking in the hospital's hallways.

"That's what you want right now, but...," I said, before sighing heavily, "from what I saw, things won't be as joyful in the future."

"Yeah, I know," my friend sighed too, linking her arm with mine. "But he's in between good hands with you. You'll save him."

"I'll try my best," I said, as confidently as possible, and Al gave me one of her reassuring smiles.

However, the sound of my pager brought me back to reality. I took it in my hands, and noticed it was Carl, who apparently needed me in the ER. I suddenly remembered the offer I made him, and realized that I didn't talk about it with Al. It hit me that it might be complicated to tell her that her ex boyfriend was going to stay with me for a while, but I had no other choice than tell her.

"Carl?" she asked, guessing my boss needed me.

"Yeah," I said with a heavy sigh. "I um—I need to tell you something. About Carl."

Al suddenly stiffened as she untied her arm from around mine, "I don't want to know anything concerning him, you know that."

"No, Al, hear me out, please," I practically begged, and she crossed her arms under her breast, and looked at me with an annoyed look on her face. "It's important."


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