Morning came and the whole procession was stopped, in the middle of the Trading Road, and Emy made a joke about other people having to go for miles just to get around us. I smiled at her as I dismounted from Valentia, I took out her feed bag and some water, helping her before I sought to myself.

I could feel people watching me but I ignored them, I finished up and grabbed some food. We were allowed to rest but no sleeping, it left us too prone to attacks. Our group stuck together in our section of the procession while Merkell walked around, asking if anyone needed a fire to warm themselves or other magical duties.

"How much magic do you think he could really do before he even felt tired?" I asked out loud, my lips pursed.

I watched him create a small fire that melted the snow and gave some of the soldiers somewhere to rest.

"A lot, he created a mountain range and holds up the protections that are being broken through as we speak," Kayle replied, although he also seemed curious.

"It's gonna be like a giant alarm clock going off when Riltresik breaks through, isn't it?" Emy asked while she munched on a sandwich.

"No-one knows exactly what will happen, he just has a sense when the wards are broken through each time. I do not want to think about how many of Riltresik's forces have gotten through already. We only see or hear about the isolated cases, but I know the officials are keeping the real number under their hoods." Kayle said as he turned back to the group.

I frowned at him, "Shouldn't they tell us though, since we're the ones going to fight?"

Kayle shrugged, "Maybe they do not want to scare everyone if the number is rather high. At least we will have a substantial number of very good people on our side though," he gestured at the army we had surrounding us.

He made a good point, it would be three Sectors against one and Riltresik couldn't just make his monsters out of thin air, magic didn't work like that. Maybe we did have more of a shot than I thought, maybe sheer numbers would help us or maybe I was just wishing that would be true. Either way I was glad to be distracted when we finally got back underway.

It would be another full day before we reached the Eastern Sector but we were to receive further instructions and directions before then. We weren't going to the Capital city of the Sector, Omida, that would be too obvious. The Trokarra message would tell us where to go and how to get there, though I got the impression that Alacor would know how to get there anyway. There was something about him, something very few people knew but I could tell his training had made him more than just an average soldier.

We travelled all day without a break and conversation was dwindling as people grew tired. Our group were the only ones still talking, Emy and I were telling Blaike and Kaleb about our favourite films and TV shows while Kayle mocked nearly every single one. Merkell was quiet for the most part, except to tell us that Golden Girls was one of his favourite shows- Emy and I applauded his taste.

Night fell and still we rode on, I was starting to feel the tiredness and Emy's head was drooping slightly.

"Isn't there any magic for keeping someone awake?" Emy asked with a yawn as I nudged her to keep her awake, otherwise she would have fallen off Ulric.

"That would be a little redundant, since using magic makes you tired anyway." Kayle said with a snort and Emy stuck her tongue out at him.

"We'll manage, we've done this before remember and we didn't have horses back then." I smiled, remembering m back to when we'd first arrived in Nentarli and had to walk all the way from the crossing point.

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