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Dear fiance
I know you are somewhere in the future by chance presently reading this piece.
Well I don't really have plans for us yet but I've dreams that chose us, picture our present as a blank page and your imaginations as the hand that draws the image, paint it not too dark nor too bright just keep it centered between us.
I know we both have a dark past but a promising bright future and well the present as our centre....Oh please don't add anything to this drawing just hang it up on the walls of your visions...hum yes relax and take a breath please.

See i know we are both dust but you are dust double refined from my ribs. So i just don't want you to be my side but my neck so that you can always carry the head of the house in your prayers.
Not a stiffnecked wife but a standard proverbs31women.
Trust me I know ex's from my past will come and try you with all sorts of lies and truths of my younger days but i want you to stay put and focused.
See you being my well I refuse to drink from another mens well because I want to trust you like the women of Samaria had confidence in Jacobs well.

I'll quote scriptures to describe you, See you'll be my deer of love, a chamois of grace and your breast will always satisfy me as you poison me with your love daily.

Trust me I'm not after your outward beauty, I'm after your inward beauty,
yes beauty that can be seen by the works of your hands
not the works of your mouth that could lead to division of relatives,
multiplication of enemies,
Subtraction of trust and love,
Addition of quarrels and fights.

Picture me as a men of decent style, I hope you can cook, iron and do house chores, unlike slay queens that appear tidy but live in dirty premises.
I hope your parents taught you how to spend and save, at the same time not to forget how to earn a decent living for yourself, I'm also hoping you picture me as handsome but how if the spaces between my fingers are empty.
See your hands in my hand will completes us both

Trust me fried rice is not my favorite but i surely hope you can prepare a solid decent meal with just onions,garlic and pepper.
I'll be frank with you I hope you wont allow pots to burn while you are on your phone, or watching your tele-novelas cause I love my meals fresh and on time.
I prefer my tea dark and my coffee milky with just three tea -spoons of sugar.
See I'm an early bird and I'm hoping you don't sleep till late while i do my daily morning devotions.
I'm looking for a Ruth 3:3 typo women that is clean,anointed and presentable.
Yes I want to show you off to my friends and family without any regrets or if i coulds.
See your stature matters you should not be too short chubby or taller then I at least my shoulders should be your height,
conditionally i hope you love people unconditionally not just your family because I'm willing to love your people as my own too regardless of their behaviour and appearance, see my daddy is always drunk and randomly insults people I'm just letting you know so that you don't use him in one of your insults when you're mad at me.

So in fading words I sit back and wait for your unknown glory to appear as we'll vow yes i do till time do us part.

Yours faithfully future-half

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2020 ⏰

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