How I met your boss

Start from the beginning

Oh jeez, thanks, I couldn’t ask for more. A grumpy voice in my head muttered.

“Look. I don’t know how you think things were between me and Jacob.” I said specifically, Evelyn’s eyes narrowed a little.

“I don’t care what his name is.” He snapped, it would have sounded so childish coming from another not as serious voice.

“But it didn’t end well,” I muttered, my eyes shifted away from him as I recalled that fateful day, in a way it was good that it happened right? I mean otherwise I would have married a guy who cheated on me. I snapped back into the present feeing Evelyn’s gaze still unfalteringly in me. “I had my boundaries...” I trailed off, boundaries as in not even a kiss. I guess he couldn’t take that. “And he had his expectations.” I didn’t want to go into detail about what had happened.

“I walked into him... erm... cheating on me I guess.” I shrugged. I couldn’t do anything about it I could only ignore the sadness I felt when I said that. But slowly, I was starting to care less and less, facing the actual reality of the relationship between us.

“So yeah... those were probably nightmares, it would be helpful if you chucked like a jug of water on me every time I do say that.” Evelyn examined me for a bit trying to see if I was lying or not. Cue imaginary knight in shining armour reassuring me that Jacob was an ugly piece of... poop anyway who didn’t deserve someone as kind, patient, sweet and peaceful as me.

The subject had shifted from his job thankfully.

He didn’t say anything for a couple of minutes before turning away and walking to the door “I’ll have you dropped off” he said finally “There’s no need for you to be here”

I stared at him as he left, my face set in a grim line.

The driver was a newbie at the job. He was a monkey of a man and his vocabulary consisted of grunt grunt and grunt. How I realized he was a noob? Obvious:

“Oh! I almost forgot!” I yelled when we neared the hotel’s street. He nearly crashed the car and curse grunted. I wacked my hand dramatically on my forehead so hard it hurt and bit in an ouch. “Shopping” I cried snapping my fingers “if you could be so sweet as to drop me off over here” I said sweetly, fluttering my eyelashes at him as he stared at me. I caught my eyelash-fluttering in the review mirror and frowned. It looked like I was having an eye spasm, and a particularly bad one at that.

He grunted and stopped the car. I got out and literally ran away, seeing the car drive away from the corner of my eyes. I sighed and stared at the sidewalk. Now what? The street was busy and I wondered what the chances were that anyone here worked for Evelyn.

Before I had the chance of thinking about that, somebody bumped into me- literally shoulder barging me out of the world.

“Oh I’m so sorry!” The guy cried grabbing my shoulders before I could fly into the road. I opened my mouth and he cut me off before I could utter a single phoneme. “Go home” he said quietly into my ear.

I blinked and before I had the time to ask him he was threatening me he had gone, vanished, disappeared, puff! Oh my God! Everything made sense! That guy was a werewolf and Evelyn was a vampire. I sniggered at the thought and stuffed my hands grumpily into my pockets. I stopped walking causing several people to bump into me, curse and storm off.

There was a note in my pocket. I took it out and uncrumplified it. (Yes that is a word) I stared at the words on the paper.

Stop  here!

On the Tuesday after the next at the time which you are reading at right now I will be at the cafe opposite you where you are standing at the moment. You deserve to know about him.

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