Marinette's nerves kicked into high gear when they arrived at Le Grand Paris Hotel. Still overwhelmed by Adrien's gift, and the words that went with it, she carefully took his hand as they exited the car. He definitely cut an impressive figure in his black Gabriel tailored three piece suit. Marinette couldn't help but envision him in his mask and cat ears wearing that. Now that was a smoking hot image. No, bad Marinette. Concentrate or you'll fall over and embarrass yourself!

Adrien was no stranger to red carpet events, although he was no fan of them either. It made all the difference having Marinette beside him. He could see all the eyes admiring her and he felt he stood a little taller, proud that she was with him. There were dozens of flashbulbs and shouts from the paparazzi that lined the entrance. "Just follow my lead." He whispered as she took his arm. He could tell she was nervous. "I'll do all the talking, you just be beautiful you and let them see the dress, okay?" A blush swept across her cheeks. He hoped that she would never stop doing that.

Waving at the cameras, he made his way over to Nadja Chamack. They had an agreement with TVi News and he knew she would be less intrusive than some of the other reporters for that reason. "...And here comes Paris's former most eligible bachelor Adrien Agreste and the lovely young lady that took him off the market. Fashion first though, tell us about what you are both wearing."

"Mine is from my father's mens formal collection, but Marinette is wearing an exclusive design from the upcoming Gabriel Summer Collection." Stepping back slightly, but still holding her hand, Adrien guided Marinette into a twirl as light bulbs flashed around her. Seeing his face light up with love and pride, Marinette confidently posed, smiling for the photographers before retaking Adrien's arm. Looking into each other's eyes, for just a moment, they forgot everyone around them.

"Well, with looks like that, I guess there is no need to ask how she stole you away." Even Nadja couldn't help but smile at the pair. "Can we expect Marinette to grace a future photoshoot with you?"

"Marinette is a designer, although she would make a beautiful model." Marinette buried her head in his arm as he laughed. "But I'm sure you will see me wearing her designs soon."

"Adrikins!" Adrien and Marinette both turned to see Chloe, who warmly greeted them with kisses to both cheeks.

"Of course, here is Chloe Bourgeois, daughter of the Mayor of Paris." Nadja held her hand to her earpiece with a puzzled look before continuing. "Chloe, rumours are circulating that Marinette stole your man here, any comment on that?" The trio stared dumbfounded before Chloe recovered enough to speak.

"That's ridiculous, utterly ridiculous! Adrien is my oldest friend and I am happy for him and Marinette." She looked down the barrel of the TV camera. "I will be wearing Marinette's original design tonight which the viewers at home can bid on live during the event." She winked down the camera with a flirtatious flare before making her farewells and guiding Adrien and Marinette with her.

"Miss Bourgeois," Nadja called out "but isn't it true that you and Adrien had carried on a secret romance for over a year?" Several reporters suddenly fell silent, waiting for a reply. Adrien and Marinette shared worried and confused looks, but Chloe was rapidly losing her cool. She was going to make sure her father would have a few choice words with the network tomorrow. Turning around she took Marinette's left hand and held it up to Nadja. "I'm not the one wearing his mother's eternity bangle. Now if you'll excuse us, we have a show to organise." Linking her arms with both Adrien and Marinette, they headed into the hotel.

"What was that about?" Adrien exclaimed as they walked through the foyer towards the ballroom. "Nadja isn't usually like that at official events and where were those stories coming from."

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