Chapter 7

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Ladybug and Chat Noir met up on their favourite perch high on the Eiffel Tower. Ladybug gave a rundown of Master Fu's thoughts regarding Nooroo's welfare and they both agreed that while ever the Butterfly and Peacock Miraculous were missing, they would continue to be on guard and try to track down Hawk Moth. Ladybug hoped that perhaps with Hawk Moth himself becoming damaged from the Miraculous, and if that really was the case, there could even be a chance to redeem the villain and bring him back to the good side. Ladybug truly believed that no one was beyond saving, although Chat Noir had his doubts about it.

Ladybug looked out over the city lights as a comfortable silence fell between them. In her mind she was reliving that beautiful moment with Adrien under the soft spotlights. Even though it was just words to someone else's song, she felt so close to him in that moment. She must have had a smile on her face as she sighed, attracting Chat's attention.

"Looks like you had a good day m'lady."

She laughed to herself, thinking how wonderfully ridiculous it all was. "Yeah, you could say that Chaton. Just trying to hang onto the moment I guess." Chat nodded in understanding, his own head swirling with the sound of Marinette's voice, her face, her lips....

"Ladybug, can I ask you a question? It's kind of personal, but I don't really have anyone else to talk to about it." She was pulled out of her daydreaming slightly concerned what could be so personal, but she could see something was worrying him and she let her face soften. "It's ok Kitty, I'm your friend remember. You can ask me anything?"

He paused for a moment, and Ladybug could see he was trying to steel himself for what he was going to say. "You told me once that there is a boy you like and..." He frowned slightly and wasn't looking at her. Ladybug's eyes widened wondering where this was going. "How do you know when your in love with someone, like really in love, not just a crush?"

Ladybug blinked and just stared at Chat, who was still looking out towards the city. "I don't really know Chat, I'm not sure I'm the best person to ask." She hugged herself into a ball, bringing her knees up under chin and holding them tight. "Why, have you met someone?"

"Not exactly. I've actually known her for a long time and would even consider her a close friend, but I feel like I'm only really seeing her for the first time." There was a fire in his eyes as he spoke that Ladybug had never seen in him before. "I'm just trying to figure it out." He looked at her almost pleadingly.

"Well, I guess love is when you can see yourself growing old with somebody. When you can't picture your life without them in it and they are all you can think about." She paused and smiled to herself thinking about  Adrien at the piano that day. "When they unlock that special place in your heart that you were keeping just for them to find."

Chat didn't say anything at first, his mind racing through a plethora of emotions that had bubbled up since the music rehearsal. "You know, when I became Chat Noir it was a difficult time in my life. I had lost someone close to me, and those around me didn't really know how to handle it. Suddenly my Miraculous gave me a freedom I couldn't imagine possible again. Then you showed up you were like a bright sun, lighting up my life and giving me a purpose. I guess that's why I fell head over heels for you, literally and figuratively." They both giggled remembering how Ladybug crashed into him the day they first met. Chat's eyes softened.

"This girl though, she kind of crept up on me and yet, some of the best memories I have of the last few years she's always been there. I had pledged all my love and loyalty to you and my Miraculous and maybe it was that loyalty that blinded me to her. I wasn't looking for anyone else, but now that I see her - really see her - I can't escape it." Chat leaned his head against the steel beams and let out a soft sigh into the night. "She's so special to me Bug. She's like a burning fire inside me that warms my heart. For the first time, she makes me feel that it's alright to be just me, that I'm worthwhile, and that maybe she could love me for who I really am. I couldn't even begin to picture my life without her in it, I wouldn't want to."

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