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A/N - It might seem like it's too soon for her to be pregnant. But I have a storyline for this.

Alexis sat in her bedroom and felt like rubbish. She couldn't stop having sex with Max and it was killing her. He was like a drug to her.

The door opened and Claire walked in. She smiled. "Morning darling. You okay?" She asked.

"Yeah. I'm fine. Just don't feel like going to school today," she said.

Claire sighed. She hated how Alexis had shut herself off from everyone and everything. She never wanted to go to school. "Has something happened? You never want to do anything."

"I'm just not in a school mood mum. Don't worry."

Claire dropped Alexis off at school. Max walked over to her. "Good morning. How are you?" He asked.

"You need to leave me alone. Please. I can't handle this. I don't want to hurt my sister," she said.

Max sighed. "No one is going to get hurt. I promise. This is just a bit of fun. I promise."

Alexis looked at him. "Please. Leave me."

Max smirked and took her into an empty classroom. He placed his hands on her waist. "Talk to me. What's wrong?

"I-I think I'm pregnant. My period is late."

Max was shocked. He couldn't believe it. He saw how upset she looked. "Have you taken a test?"

Alexis shook her head. "No. I can't get hold of one."

Max nodded. "Okay. I'll go and get you one. Just go to the office Rachel isn't here today."

Alexis sat in the office. She was close to tears. Max walked in and handed her the test. "Come on. You need to know. We both need to know."

Alexis nodded and followed Max to the toilets. She walked inside leaving Max outside.

Ella was walking along the corridor. She saw Max standing outside the bathrooms. "Is everything okay?" She asked.

Before he could say anything, Alexis came out. "I have to wait for the re-," she stopped when she saw Ella there. "E-Ella."

Ella was shocked to see her sister standing there with a Pregnancy test. "What the hell happened?" She asked.


Max sighed. "She had sex with an older man. He left her in a mess. She came to me cause she was scared of how you and Claire would react," he said.

Ella looked at Max and kissed him. She missed the dirty look that Alexis was giving Max. "I can handle this now. Thanks babe."

Ella held the Pregnancy test in her hand. She sighed. "Who is he?"

"It doesn't matter. I met him online and I met him and he had sex with me," she lied.

Ella sighed and nodded. She turned the test over. "It's positive."

Alexis felt the colour drain from her cheeks. She nodded and looked at her. "How do I tell mum? She's going to kill me."

"It'll be okay. I promise you."

Alexis broke down crying. How did she handle all of this?

Seduced By My Sister's Boyfriend {Waterloo Road}Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ