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Alexis woke and realised what had happened. She had slept with Ella's boyfriend. She knew Ella was going to hate her when she found out. The tears began to roll down her cheeks.

Alexis got out of bed and walked downstairs. Her mum was back from working away. Claire looked up and smiled. "Hello Trouble."

Alexis ran into her mum's arms and cried. Claire frowned. She knew something had to have happened for Alexis to be crying. She never cried.

Claire had invited Ella and Max over for lunch. Alexis stayed in her bedroom and did her missed homework. The door opened and Max walked in.

Alexis looked at him. "You shouldn't be in here. Ella will find out," she mumbled.

"Ella won't find out. Because we won't tell her. Last night was amazing. It felt good being with you. Don't tell Ella I said, but you're better than her," Max told her.

Alexis looked down at the floor and then back up at Max. "What are you saying?" She asked.

Max smirked and placed his hands on her waist pulling her closer to him. "That I want you."

Ella looked up as Alexis walked in. She grinned. "Hey Trouble. Gracie is looking for you."

Alexis nodded and went to find her niece. Claire looked at Ella. "I came back this morning and she was crying. She never cries."

Ella frowned. "She was okay last night. She got all her homework done. But.. Tom did tell me that Alexis offered him sex for private tuition."

Claire sighed and nodded. "I'll talk to her tonight when everyone has gone."

Later on that night, Claire walked into Alexis' room. She smiled. "Turn that off. You can come and sleep in with me tonight."


Alexis followed Claire to her bedroom and climbed into bed. Claire joined her. "So, what's this about you offering Tom Clarkson sex for private tuition?" She asked.

Alexis shrugged. "I don't know what I was thinking. I know he's Gracie's dad and I truly didn't know what I was thinking."

Claire nodded and kissed her daughter's head. "You can always talk to me baby girl. I promise you. I won't ever judge you."

The next morning, Alexis woke and saw a text from Max:

I could pick you up today and go to a hotel? - Max x

Alexis didn't know what to think. She felt like Max was seducing her. But did he have a motive? Did he and Ella set it up?

Alexis didn't reply. Claire walked in and handed her some toast. "I've been thinking. I know about how you've been having sex. Do you want to consider going on the contraceptive pill?"

Alexis shook her head. "No. I know that can stop you having a baby and one day, I would like a baby."

Claire sighed. "Take it for now. Please. I don't want to see you become a teen mum. It destroyed Ella doing it alone and she has Max now. Tom has finally stepped up. I don't want that for you."

Alexis knew Claire had a good point. But how long could she resist Max's seduction?

Seduced By My Sister's Boyfriend {Waterloo Road}Where stories live. Discover now