"I do trust you but I am giving you time, then in a week we can try again" Chanyeol says as a tear falls from his eyes making him quickly wipe it away before Baekhyun can see it. "Ok well lets get us home then" Baekhyun picks up his case and one of Chanyeol's many cases dragging them to the door. I will get these into the car and I will come back for the rest" Baekhyun smiles as he opens the door to Mr Park just about to knock. "Oh good morning you two, off to the airport I see, here let me help you with the bags" He says looking at the look on their faces knowing something has happened or been said to make them look so sad.

Arriving at the car Baekhyun opens the boot putting the cases he had into it before sitting on the rim of the car. "Is everything ok with you and my son?" Mr park sits beside him hoping to be told. "Mr Park I am giving up my job for Chanyeol but this morning he wants to wait a week till I say my goodbyes in person to my clients". Baekhyun lets out a sigh as he looks out ahead of him. "My son is more then likely just protecting his heart, I trust you will treat him well, I have seen you do it while you where both here. Maybe its his way of checking that you really want to be with him" Mr Park touches Baekhyun's arm trying to comfort him seeing the hurt in his eyes. 

"I have told him he can trust me" Baekhyun turns to look at him with sadness in his eyes. "You might have told him but Chanyeol has been told before, told he was loved and told he was going to be married, I know your nothing like that asshole ex of his but maybe chanyeol just needs to see it now instead of just hearing the words" Mr Park says as Baekhyun just nods understanding what he is trying to say.

"Hey, is everything ok?" Chanyeol says as Baekhyun and Mr Park stand up smiling. "Yeah just saying goodbye to your dad and thanking him for having me" Baekhyun lies a little white lie and grabs the remaining bags  putting  them in the car as Chanyeol hugs his dad goodbye. "Sorry your mother isn't here to say goodbye son, I will talk with her and make her change her ways ok, now off you go you don't want to be late for your flight" Mr Park hugs his son again kissing his cheek as Baekhyun climbs into the car starting the engine. "Bye dad I love you, I will ring you as soon as I land, take care of yourself" Chanyeol waves as he climbs into the car as they pull out into the street as another car comes towards them making Baekhyun hit the breaks as the car in front stops right in front of them. "What the hell" Baekhyun says as they see Chanyeol's mother getting out of the car running towards them. "Is that my mum?" Chanyeol looks confused as he gets out of the car followed by Baekhyun to check that everything is ok. 

"Sweetheart wait please, I know I have been the worst mother In the entire history of mothers, but I want to say I am truly sorry with all my heart for everything I said that hurt you and Baekhyun. I am selfish and I know I only wanted what I thought was best for you, instead I should have let you live your life your way and told you what happened and not have let that day go ahead where you had to stand there in front of everyone because of me. Sweetheart I know I cant fix it but in time I really hope you will forgive me and let me be your mum again". Mrs Park just stands there clasping her hands together as Chanyeol walks towards her wrapping his big arms around her small body. "You will always be my mum, I love you so much, I forgive you ,just give me a little time to understand it all and I will come home and visit you and dad soon" Chanyeol kisses her cheek as she sobs into her sons embrace. "Come dear he needs to go now" Mr Park grabs his wife's arm pulling her away from their son. 

"Wait, Baekhyun" Mrs Park says letting her husband go as he rushes towards Baekhyun. "I want to apologise for the hurt and the things I have said to you, please take care of my boy and love him like I seen you do here these past few days making him happy" She smiles as Baekhyun gives her a hug and kisses her cheek making her giggle as she walks back to her husband. "Take care you two and we will see you soon" Mr Park waves at them as they get back into the car reversing and then pulling off out into traffic as Mr and Mrs Park wave at them till the car turns off the street. "I am so proud of you Dear" Mr Park smiles he walks his wife back inside there house.

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