Chapter 11

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Pulling up to the restaurant the drive was so awkward, Chanyeol kept pushing and telling me his mom must have said something more to me as my mood has changed.

"Baekhyun please tell me what happened with my mum, I know I don't really know you but I know my mum and she can be a nasty peice of work. So tell me what it was or I'm not getting out of this car" he turns his head away from me looking out the window with his arms crossed and huffing like some teenager not allowed to go to a party.

He does look so cute with the pout and his glasses. I try hide my smile so I open the car door grabbing my wallet and keys. "Ok well you stay here I'm starving" I close the car door and walk towards the restaurant wondering how long he will take before he follows me.

Taking a seat in a two seater boot down the back of the restaurant a waitress approaches me handing me a menu. "Good afternoon sir, is it just a table for one you need as we have got a smaller table across he room" she says while pointing to the smaller table.

"Good afternoon and no my friend will be joining me any minute now when he finishes sulking in the car" I smile at her as she nods her head and leaves.

A few minutes have passed and I try so hard to hold back my laugh as he storms in the restaurant and plops down onto to seat in front of me.

"Finshed sulking are you?" I look up from my menu and smirk at him as he takes his glasses off rubbing his eyes.

"No I'm hungry and this trip is starting to take its tole on me now" he let's out a heavy sigh making me put my menu down and sit back into the chair looking at him.

"I bet you can't wait for this to be all over?"  I watch as he looks at me without his glasses and I have to admit he is rather cute without them.

"If I'm honest baekhyun, I just want to go home, I've had enough of my mum, my ex, just everything" he puts his head down on the table as I reach and touch his hand giving it a squeeze. "You need to be here for your sister, she needs her brother with her on her special day" he lifts up his head just as the waitress approaches us for our order.

"I'm so not in the mood for this bachelor party crap tonight" he says with anger as he continues to eat his steak and chips. "It should be fun, group of lads getting together, getting drunk and making fools of themselves" I smile as he looks at me with a frown.

"That was sarcastic" he laughs at me as he continues to eat.

I watch as his mood changes and he begins to look out the window making me wonder what is going through his mind now. "Wanna share what your thinking?" I question him as he turns to look at me placing his last chip in his mouth before wiping his mouth with a napkin.

"D.O is going to be at this tonight, and after what you told me happened at the park makes me just want to kill him" he looks down at his hands as he twists the napkin tighter and tighter.

"Don't worry about what happened at the park, just enjoy yourself let your hair down, have fun Chanyeol, you need to let him see you have moved on and that he is not getting to you"  I lean over the table closer to him reaching for his chin I lift his face up to look at me.

"We need to really pretend we are dating tonight, more then we have been" I lean my head to the side as he smiles. "What do we do to annoy this bastard" he says with anger making me smile.

"Well I'm gonna touch you alot more, kiss you more, laugh and smile like a normal couple would out having a drink" I sit back in the chair as I watch him closely trying to figure it all out.

"Kiss me how?" he blushes as he slides his glasses up his nose. " Kiss you on your cheek, touch you hand, your thigh if we are sitting together"  I watch as he becomes uncomfortable lifting  up his glass and taken a big gulp of his drink.

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