Chapter 18

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The wedding and party is finally over as the wedding couple say their goodbyes to all their guests for coming and celebrating their special day. "Baek, thank you for coming and being Chanyeols strength in all this, I haven't seen him smile like that in a very long time and I know that is all down to you" Yoora hugs me tight before kissing my cheek. "He just needed a little push" I smile at her as she cups my hand in hers. "Take care of him for me and I will come visit you both hopefully in a month or so" she smiles one more time before she hurries over to Chanyeol and wraps her arms around him hugging the life out of him. "Hey, what's this big hug for?" he pulls her away from him as he looks at her as she begins to cry. "Today was just perfect and I'm so glad my not so little bro could celebrate it with me" she sniffs making Chanyeol hand her a handkerchief. "Don't cry please or you will set me off  too" as soon as he says it they both begin to cry and laugh at the same time.

Looking at the both of them I can't help but smile at how close they both are and how much love they have for eachother.
"Keep this one" I hear her say to Chanyeol as he blushes "I'll try sis" he says before letting her go as she joins her husband and leaves as we all wave them off.

"So what do you want to do now?" Chanyeol asks me as I just smirk at him "follow me" I guide him out of the main building into a separate building where I had something set us just for us.

"What's in here" he nearly falls over the step as I reach out and grab his hand. "It's a surprise" I smile as we walk down a few more step through a large garden at the back of the wedding venue. "Ok close your eyes for me I have a surprise for you" he gives me a gentle smile in return and closes his eyes as I guide his big clumsy ass a little further making him stop.

"Ok open your eyes baby"

"What's all this?" Chanyeol looks towards me

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"What's all this?" Chanyeol looks towards me.

"It's just a little something, that I did last minute as you can see, it's not great" I tell him as he walks over touching the flower petals on the table.

"It's not dinner, but dessert as you didn't get to eat that with all the photos that where taken" I tell him as I walk closer to him. "Sit for me" I say as I pull out his chair for him to sit.

"This is really beautiful" he looks around as he sits nearly knocking the plate off the table. "Relax my baby" I smile as I take a seat across from him as our desserts arrive. "I have been looking forward to all this all day, I love desserts"  he smiles like a big child as the waitress places a plate full of different desserts on the table in front of us.

"Oh my god, are all these for us?" he smiles with wide eyes nearly drooling over the plate. "of course can you see anyone else here" I smirk at him as I pick up a fork and start to eat a bit of the strawberry cake.

"Why did you do all this?" he asks me with a mouth full of chocolate brownie. "I did it because I can" I smile back as we sit in silence munching on all the desserts.

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