Chapter 4. Failing To Keep The Secret

Start from the beginning

I got a fire for a heart
I'm not scared of the dark
You've never seen it look so easy

I got a river for a soul
And baby you're a boat
Baby, you're my only reason

If I didn't have you there would be nothing left (nothing left)
The shell of a man who could never be his best (be his best)

If I didn't have you, I'd never see the sun
You taught me how to be someone

All my life
You stood by me
When no one else was ever behind me
All these lights
They can't blind me
With your love nobody can drag me down
Nobody, nobody
Nobody can drag me down
Nobody, nobody
Nobody can drag me

All my life
You stood by me
When no one else was ever behind me

All these lights
They can't blind me
With your love, nobody can drag me down

All my life
You stood by me
When no one else was ever behind me
All these lights
They can't blind me
With your love, nobody can drag me down
Nobody, nobody
Nobody can drag me down
Nobody, nobody
Nobody can drag me down
Nobody, nobody
Nobody can drag me down
Nobody, nobody
Nobody can drag me down

When we finished everyone started clapping. Our faces were an inch apart, we were both blushing beet red. I look the other way and shrugged it off.

"That was amazing you two I-" The bell rang. "Well I guess that's all the time for today, have a great rest of school!"

We all walked out of the classroom. I had Gym next. I walked into the locker room to find Ivy and her group, I was in good terms with her but Aphmau wasn't, last time I check Ivy had pushed Aph on her first day which is ridiculous. Why does my brother even hang out with her?

I quickly changed my clothes and walked to the gymnasium. I finally spotted Laurance.

"Hey Zvahl!" I walked up to him.

"Hey Romeave, ho-"

"Hello baby sister!" I heard my brother say. Wait, when was he in this class?

"I got a new schedule so now I'm in Gym with you and laurance!" Well that answers my question. "Soooo, what were you about to talk about?~"

"Uhhhh, not sure really." I said awkwardly. "So, Garroth why did your schedule get switched up?" I changed the subject.

"So class I don't have a class planned out for today so feel free to just talk to your classmates!" The teacher announced.

"Well another student didn't have the classes they wanted so they got some of my classes." He explained.

"Well I guess we have 2 classes together now!" Laurance exclaimed.

"Yeah, also what's with the calling each other by your last names thing?" Garroth asked.

"Oh yeah, I kept calling your sister 'Ro'meave' all the time and now she's salty about it and calling me 'Zvahl'"

"Ah okay!" After he said that he whispered something to Laurance.

Hmmm I wonder what he said to him..

Laurance's POV

"Ah okay!" Garroth said. "We need to talk when we get back to my house." He whispered to me.

Wait does he know?!!

After school》

School is finally over, I was walking to my locker to get some of my books to study until an older, male voice said my name.

"Laurance!" I turn around to see my music teacher.

"Yes sir?" I said politely. (We stan a polite Laurance)

"I already let your partner know but I wanted you and Y/n to sing for the Halloween dance! You two are my best students so it would be amazing if you both could!" He said.

"It would be my pleasure sir- Wait what did Y/n say about this??" I asked.

"She said it was fine as long it was okay with you!" I blushed. "You now, you and Y/n have a lot of chemistry. I'm surprised you two aren't dating, I mean all the girls in the school were drooling over you last year!"

"She's my best friend's sister so I don't think that would be possible, but question. Do you think she drools over me? Just asking for a friend!" He laughed.

"That's the thing Laurance, she's different, and the one for you... don't lose her, I might not be your chemistry teacher but I can see how much chemistry you two have together!" I'm a blushing mess now. "Well I have to grade some papers, remember what we talked about Laurance!" He left.

Is she really the one...?

I see Y/n and Garroth waiting for me at the end of the hallway.

He's right...she is.

We all walk home, like usual we joke around and talk about random things. Once we get home Mrs. Ro'meave welcomes us and while I'm walking up the stairs Garroth's drags me into his room.

"What the heck dude??! My hair is all mess-" He covers my mouth.

"Do you like my sister?" He asked.

Oh no...

Your POV

I'm walking up the stairs right after Garroth dragged Laurance to his room, I wonder what that was about- WAIT, what if Garroth and Laurance have a thing for each other?!? That would suck for me but I need tea in my life!

Right after that I hear Laurance shout something but then gets caught off. They're totally doing it ;) I walk towards my room.

"Do you like my sister?" I heard Garroth say. I stop. (Your room is in front of Garroth's)

"Will you be mad?" I hear Laurance say through the door. I notice Cadenza coming towards me. I signal her to not say anything.

"Depends" My brother said. "Now answer the question Laurance!"

"No..." I can feel my heart breaking and tears forming. Cadenza took notice and rushed me into my room.

Laurance's POV

"Answer the question Laurance!" He raised his voice a bit.

"No..." His facial expression went to calm. "I love her"

He gets closer to me and hugs me.

"I'm not mad but... Just don't hurt her, she's my baby sister" My best friend said to me.

"I promise you I never will, even if she's never mine..." He smiled.

"Again.." I mumbled. Luckily Garroth didn't hear.

Words: 1533

So you're officially heartbroken! Laurance really needs to say stuff faster, sadly that isn't in my control! :D (or maybe I want the tea) ANYWAY today was labor day (it's 11 PM so it won't be when this is published) and my first week of school officially past! I'm surprised it's survived... (I may or may not had anxiety kick in, in the the middle of class and made me start crying) well that's all i have to share for today, have a turtle-ific day!


Dear Diary, Am I even good enough..? ( A Laurance x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now